$ 10,175.00

Started by rob w, January 06, 2012, 10:02:36 AM

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rob w

brian kirby

Totally new engine, totally new chassis, the only reason its out is so Dungey can race it in SX. To homologate it they have to be available at dealers by today, and sell at least 400 of them by March 1. Its essentially a 2013 450SX available almost 12 months early.



Don't worry.  You'll get over it.  Of course some of us still have issues when we paid $1500 (or less) for a new bike.  I think Yamaha lost money on their first model YZ's in a effort to stave off  the 73-74 250 Honda dominance.  Even though they also were the most expensive, around $1800 bucks retail I think.  

Ain't financing beautiful?

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

Steve Minor

Paid $1995 for my brand new 77 Penton 400 GS6. Still have the bike and receipt.....

Steve Minor
Wilmington, NC
Steve Minor

tooclose racing

Thanks for the info, Brian - I thought they might be pulling the homologation card with this bike.  Also - not a bad marketing move before the first SX race.  

So..they have to sell 400 of these by March 1?  I hope that is world sales - doesn't seem possible state-side.  But I'm no expert.

Ryan D looked good at Anaheim 1.  ButiIt was such a funky track that I I kinda shrugged my shoulders at the results - other than acknowledging that Ryan V is a gonna be very, very good this year.

But it is a long season with much drama yet to reveal itself.  Can"t wait.:D

rob w

You were right Pete, I'm already over it. I guess it was just kind of a shock at first, but I'll be alright. Found a bigger coffee can to start saving nickels in.

brian kirby

They have to sell 400 in the US by March 1. KTM World in Cedartown GA, one of the highest volume dealer in the country, is only getting 2, maybe 3, and they are all already paid for. KTM will easily sell 400 by March.


Kevin Grimes

I believe the rule is KTM has to import 400 this year, 200 by March 1st. They don't technically have to sell them all to fit the rule as no one can dictate what someone will buy.

brian kirby

200 by March 1 and 400 by June 1 is for a regular year homologation. An "early", or in this case, a late homologation application must meet the full importation minimum of 400 units sold by 90 days after the application, which is a few days short of March 1, and the bike must be available at dealers by the first race. By "sold" they mean units sold by the manufacturer to dealers, not dealers sold to the public.
