More 1973 Hare Scrambler photos

Started by Lisa Brenner, May 07, 2002, 10:16:03 PM

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Lisa Brenner

I just uploaded more photos of our 250 while in it's different stages of repair back in '95/'96. My husband loved every moment of it even though it was a bit hard locating a few parts. We are both previous owners/riders of Hondas and Yamahas (till we had our two boys). Then we got off the pavement, away from cars and into dirt. This was something my husband had always strongly desired to do...rebuilding, bringing back to life a vintage bike AND riding it with our guys who had their own bike. So, to you sir with the Jackpiner who's going out to buy his yellow paint.....nope, better not say what I'd like to. I'm really twisting these bidders arms aren't I to purchase our Penton? Sorry you have such a sour attitude about life.....I enjoy people and every day I wake up sir. Goodnight.