POG Meeting Thanks

Started by Mike OReilly, April 19, 2012, 12:08:23 AM

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Mike OReilly

The April POG meeting at the Packard Museum and the Boston Marathon (which my wife was running) were the same weekend, so what to do?

I left Ottawa, Ontario and detoured via Warren, Ohio - two extra nights on the road and an addtional 1000 kms. (that's about 600 miles for you Americans). And as usual with all of the POG events that I have been to it was more than worth the effort.

Thanks to Paul and all of the POG members who put the deal together. The opportunity to re-connect with members of the "POG family" and to hear first hand, from folks like Gunnar, JP and Jack about the early days and the evolution of motocross and off-road in America was priceless.
Again, we heard about the fact that the whole off-road motorcycle "revolution" that we now know, occurred on account of American visionaries like John Penton and Edison Dye, and in spite of European (and AMA) conservatism who could not conceive of what the future might hold.

I also learned that the Packard Museum in Warren is a volunteer run, grass roots organization (to my surprise) who were as thrilled to host us as we were to be there. The tour of the museum, and the commentary, after the POG meeting were the icing on the cake.

My only regret was the absence of some of the POG members that I have met over the years and was looking forward to seeing again.

Thanks again to everyone involved for a memorable time. The whole weekend was a great adventure, and in spite of the unseasonably hot weather in Boston, my wife finished and had a good run.



Mike, it was a pleasant surprise to see you at the meeting. It was a couple of years since we last saw you at one of our events. Thanks for filling us in with this posting on how you made it happen.

You won the long distance award and we are happy that you went that "extra mile".

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner

Bob Gilman

I completely agree with your review of the April POG meeting.  It was a memorable week-end for sure.
I was very impressed with Paul Danik's ISDT display at the museum. He certainly put alot of thought into it and it showed.
I would also like to thank you Paul for all the effort you put into setting up this meeting.  It was first class.
The only thing lacking was a GOOD coffee pot (lol) I am going to donate a new one and bring it to Mid-Ohio. You know I love my coffee.
All kidding aside it was a perfect day for all.

p.s. Karen I hope your kitty cat is feeling much better. I know how you feel as I am a "cat person" too.

Bob Gilman

Paul Danik


   It was really great to see you at the meeting, I was quite upset when you initially said the change of date might make it so that you could not attend, thanks for the extra effort that you put forth to be there.

  The folks at the National Packard Museum pretty much gave us the run of the place and I am glad you had a chance to talk with those great folks.


  As far as the ISDT display with my 1973 ISDT Penton and related items, all I did was drop it all off on the day that they asked, those folks put that whole display together on their own.

   The Packard folks had a special evening function to officially open the motorcycle exhibit in early January, it was a very snowy and treacherous night. Judy, Chad and I drove out for the event, when we walked in and saw what they had done I was absolutely astounded. I asked around to see who had actually carried the rocks and put the display together and made sure that they knew how very pleased and impressed I was. They provided food and drink for all that evening and also gave each of us who had loaned items for the motorcycle display an engraved mug and a certificate of appreciation, first class folks in my book :)

To all,

  Lots of folks help to put together a meeting such as this, we are very fortunate to have such an enthusiastic and resourceful Group.

   As I was loading my trailer I observed Gunnar getting into Jack's car along with John, they were going to drop Gunnar off at his hotel.  All three of them were smiling. laughing and talking. It got me to wondering how many times over the years did these three friends pile into a little car and go speeding off to parts unknown in some foreign country on a mission that many times helped to shape our sport.

  I personally feel that each and every one of you who support the POG in any way should feel a sense of pride in helping to bring these folks together again....

Thanks to all,