Will Stoner "practice stroke"

Started by Paul Danik, April 26, 2012, 04:02:34 PM

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Paul Danik


  Below is part of an email from Will Stoner, many of you are friends of Will and others surely know him from all the great work he has done over the years with in our vintage community. Will has had a TIA, his email below explains it. Please keep our friend and his family in your thoughts and prayers.


   It stands for Transient Ischemic Attack. Think of it as a "practice stroke". I had one Sunday morning. Fortunately, I got to MetroHealth Medical Center shortly after it happened. I can't say enough about the staff at Metro.


Cutting to the chase, I'm going to have surgery to remove blockage in my carotid (corroded) artery on Thursday, April 26th. Should be home Friday or Saturday. My risk of stroke should be drastically reduced, and I should be able to resume all of my normal(?) activities shortly.

Stay tuned,



First - I hope Will has had successful surgery to remove any blockages.  I, myself, having had two TIAs last September - I can say that a TIA is not fun even if it only last approx. 15 minutes - It's a stroke - pure and simple - but thankfully only a very short amount of time that the blockage is there to affect you and thus a person can recover without any damage.  Thus it is a "transient event".  Still not a good thing to happen - but it is a warning shot that actually is a "good" warning shot that lets you know... Hey - uh .. you got problems and it ain't good to ignore the problems.
Now -after the surgery - to keep the blood flowing to the brain and also I would say that Will will be on a blood thinner possibly also to prevent future clots.  Has anyone touched base with Will?  I hope he is doing well.

Paul Danik

I just spoke with Will, he is doing very well and his doctor gave him clearance to do as he wishes. He said he lost a week with the TIA and is working to get back on schedule with his current project.  He said he plans on riding his motorcycle out to Anamosa, Iowa for the National Motorcycle Museum's Vintage Rally over the first weekend of June..:)

     Will expressed his gratitude to all of their support.
