Mid Ohio transport

Started by thrownchain, May 15, 2012, 02:14:35 PM

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It's not too early to start planning if you need something hauled to or back from Mid Ohio from the NE US. East of Erie, Pa and north of Baltimore, Md. dont care what brand it is, or if it's whole or parts. Running or not. Can pick up and hold till M.O. Like to have all transport units in my hands at least a week before the trip so I can plan loading strategy. Can deliver Thurs eve at my motel. or Friday AM at the track. Small load will be in an open pick up, but if need be I can use a trailer for larger loads.  thx


No takers yet, lots of time and room.


Drag this back up, still looking for bikes to haul to Mid Ohio, or back


A couple of possibles fell thru, still looking for bikes to haul.