What's the best way to remove forks?

Started by iliketoride, December 30, 2000, 07:29:50 PM

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I,ve removed all of the hardware and the top fork clamp seems to be frozen in place. What's the easiest way to remove the forks from frame?


Kip Kern

32mm Forks:  Make sure all pinch bolts are removed, steering stem nut, and remove fork caps to make things easier.  Spray tube with WD-40/PB Blaster and use a soft face deadblow hammer and tap upwards under top clamp.  35mm do the same and be sure the fork caps are off as they won't slide through the top clamp as the 32's do!  Good Luck



Thanks Kip, i'm not sure if the forks are 32 or 35 mm, i was using a block of wood and hammer and that puppie wasn't even winking. I've been soaking the parts with liquid wrench and i'll remove the caps just to be sure.



Can also use a little heat from a small propane torch on the top triple tree, the 35mm forks are tapered at the tops of the tubes and can be very stubborn, you can also leave the top caps in place and unscrew them ONE turn, then using a combo of heat and a mallet, you can carefully strike the tops of the caps until the tube drops the distance that one turn out on the top caps show relief...DO NOT open the top caps more than one turn or possible damage to the threads will result....BG also makes a superior penetrating oil called FORCE, it's expensive $9.00 for shake n squirt but well worth the price.....


Thomas Brosius


Thanks Kip and DKWracer, the forks must have been 35MM, i did loosen the caps a bit to see if that would help and sure enough it was loose. I did however have to remove them to remove the clamp. My son told me not to remove the caps or else the springs would shoot out. The threads seem to be OK.
Happy New Year!!!