Fork size for 73 6 Day

Started by desmond197, October 13, 2012, 04:44:25 PM

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My 73 125 Six Day has 35mm forks. It was made in Oct of 73. Should it have 32mm forks?

brian kirby

Maybe, but I think an Oct '73 build date bike is not a '73 its a '74. Nov '73 is when the 250 changed colors from gold to red, so your bike could actually be a '74, which should have 35mm forks.



the 74 should have black mag hubs but then ?

brian kirby

Yes, if a '74 it should have 35mm forks and black mag hubs, if a '73 it should have 32mm forks and bare aluminum hubs, but you never know with these bikes. As Jack told me once, they would open a new crate of 4 bikes and many times every one of them would be different.


brian kirby

Maybe, but I think an Oct '73 build date bike is not a '73 its a '74. Nov '73 is when the 250 changed colors from gold to red, so your bike could actually be a '74, which should have 35mm forks.



the 74 should have black mag hubs but then ?

brian kirby

Yes, if a '74 it should have 35mm forks and black mag hubs, if a '73 it should have 32mm forks and bare aluminum hubs, but you never know with these bikes. As Jack told me once, they would open a new crate of 4 bikes and many times every one of them would be different.


Kip Kern

Early 73, 32mm late 73 35mm.  Not in stone, KTM used what they had at the time.