ISDT RR and Banquet

Started by slvrbrdfxr, September 24, 2012, 09:14:33 PM

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Hi all,
I just wanted to remind everyone that the ISDT Reunion Ride at the John Zink Ranch is less than 5 weeks away and the entry form is now available on the AHRMA website by clicking the cross country tab and then selecting schedule. We have decided to give an event t-shirt to all riders who submit their pre-entry by the deadline of Oct 12, 2012. An AHRMA weekend membership will also be available so that anyone wanting to come join in the fun can participate. The ISDT RR banquet is set for Sat Oct 27, 2012 at 7pm and details are also on the AHRMA website. The banquet tickets are $25 per person and need to be paid for separately. Our club has to give the caterer a head count 2 weeks prior to the banquet and so we are asking that anyone who plans on attending the banquet please send in your money by Oct 12, 2012. To date, I have had less than 20 people purchase banquet tickets and we would greatly appreciate a prompt response so we can get an accurate count well in advance. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Thanks and see you there !!
Dave McCullough
Tulsa Trail Riders

Paul Danik


   THANK YOU for all the hard work and time you have put into this event, it is greatly appreciated.

Take care,


Hi all,
Wanted to bump this to the top as a reminder. Pre-entry deadline for the ISDT RR is this Friday 10-12-12. I have sold less than 50 banquet tickets to date. If you plan on attending the banquest please send me a check ASAP. I'd like to have payment in hand by 10-12-12 so I can give the caterer an accurate count. Ticket are $25 each and please make checks payable to the Oklahome Trail Riders. Please send payment directly to me at the address below. Thanks !!
Dave McC

Dave McCullough
10419 Ashford Circle
Owasso, OK  74055

Randy Kirkbride

Did you get one from me?


Yes I have yours. Thanks and see you in a few weeks !!


Quotequote:Originally posted by slvrbrdfxr

Hi all,
Wanted to bump this to the top as a reminder. Pre-entry deadline for the ISDT RR is this Friday 10-12-12. I have sold less than 50 banquet tickets to date. If you plan on attending the banquest please send me a check ASAP. I'd like to have payment in hand by 10-12-12 so I can give the caterer an accurate count. Ticket are $25 each and please make checks payable to the Oklahome Trail Riders. Please send payment directly to me at the address below. Thanks !!
Dave McC

Dave McCullough
10419 Ashford Circle
Owasso, OK  74055

Don't you mean Tulsa Trail Riders? [?]

No matter, check is in the mail.

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good


Thanks for sending the payment and yes Oklahoma Trail Riders is correct. Our club is still the Tulsa Trail Riders but for the last few years we have been doing business as the Oklahoma Trail Riders for the purpose of applying to get grant money from the Recreational Trails Program. I did receive a few more banquest ticket purchases in the mail today so please keep them coming. Thanks !!
Dave McCullough



I just wanted to give you a heads up. I've got a check coming your way for three banquet tickets. Sorry for the delay, but our plans for the ISDT RR just came together today. See you in a few weeks.

Joe Cartwright

"Do not go where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson
\\"Do not go where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.\\"
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson



I just wanted to give you a heads up. I've got a check coming your way for three banquet tickets. Sorry for the delay, but our plans for the ISDT RR just came together today. See you in a few weeks.

Joe Cartwright

"Do not go where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson
\\"Do not go where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.\\"
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Bob Bean

Is it too late for banquet tickets ?

Bob Bean

1986 ISDE Italy
1987 ISDE Poland
1989 ISDE Germany

1970 125 Six Day
1973 100 Berkshire
1973 Jackpiner 175
1974 Penton 250 Harescrambler
1976 Husky 250CR
1981 Husky 250CR
1982 Husky 250CR
1983 Honda CR480
1985 Husky 400WRX
1985 Husky 400WR
1986 ISDE Italy
1987 ISDE Poland
1989 ISDE Germany


Get a check in the mail tomorrow and call me to confirm and I'll put you on the list. My info is in the thread above. Thanks !!
Dave McC

Bob Bean


Check is in the mail


1986 ISDE Italy
1987 ISDE Poland
1989 ISDE Germany

1970 125 Six Day
1973 100 Berkshire
1973 Jackpiner 175
1974 Penton 250 Harescrambler
1976 Husky 250CR
1981 Husky 250CR
1982 Husky 250CR
1983 Honda CR480
1985 Husky 400WRX
1985 Husky 400WR
1986 ISDE Italy
1987 ISDE Poland
1989 ISDE Germany


I have you on the list. Thanks !!
Dave McC


Hi all,
The folks at AHRMA have told me that there are 123 pre-entries for the ISDT RR. The list is not posted yet on the AHRMA website but should be up sometime soon.
Dave McCullough