Dec POG meeting?

Started by thrownchain, November 15, 2012, 09:29:28 PM

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Paul Danik

Yes, the December POG meeting will take place on Thursday December 6th at the KTM building Amherst, Ohio, starting at 7 PM.

This meeting is also our annual POG Family Night. We have a very special guest lined up to attend who's Penton story along with his musical talents will surely help to make this a night to remember. Our special guest also has agreed to bring his very special, one of a kind Penton to the meeting.....

Traditionally we have quite a nice selection of treats to snack on,

More details later..



Paul I plan on attending my first meeting next week was wondering would Mr Penton  be attending and would  he autograph an item that I bring ?   :D.... thks Brian Taylor

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor

Paul Danik

Hi Brian,

   It will be great to have you attending the Family Night meeting. I am as sure that John Penton will be there as anyone can ever be about what John Penton might do :) John rarely misses a meeting, especially Family Night.  He is always more than happy to accommodate anyone with an items or items to autograph, I think he gets as much enjoyment out of signing the items as the person who brings them does in getting them signed.

Take care,


Thks Paul looking forward to Thursday ...... Brian

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor

Al Martin

will pizza be served or are we just doing potluck goodies and desserts this year?

Paul Danik

  Pizza will be served :D  

  We will also provide the soft drinks, coffee will be available as long as our resident coffee machine operator shows up:)

  Our very special guest had a scheduling conflict and will not be able to attend, he was extreamly appoligetic about the situation, but those things do occur.

   We have a gentlrman who is familiar to us all who has quite an interesting hobby, and he has agreed to give us a glimpse into a world than not many of us know much about.  I will tell you that it is a very exciting hobby that it requires a lot of training at great expense. His presenation will be of interest to attendees both young and old....

Hope to see you there, and as always, you do not need to be a POG member to attend.

Paul Danik

Tomorrow, Thursday is the day.....

Be sure to bring any items along that you might want JP to sign..

We have always held a raffle at the Family Night meeting with many various items up for grabs.  Al Born always was the ring leader behind the raffle, gathering up items through out the year and also handling the actual raffle, as the linked photo below will attest to.

We plan on continuing what "Big" Al started, so if you are planning on attending and have a little something that you don't mind donating to the "Big Al Born" annual Family Night raffle, feel free to bring it along.

It is always interesting to watch John Penton trying to decide what he wants out of the items...heck most all of this stuff only exists because of him:)

Hope to see you there...

Also, THANK YOU very much to Bill Smith for taking most of these photos and putting them on the POG site for us all to enjoy, they sure provide a wonderful way for us to remember those who are no longer with us, as well as fun days gone by.


Paul Danik

The 2012 Family Night meeting turned out to be a standing room only event.  It was great to see so many folks in attendance.

A big POG THANK YOU to all the folks who borough goodies for all to snack on. The pizza place we used to deal with had closed up leading to the pizzaless meeting last year. This year we went to a place that Jack recommended and the pizza was delivered right on time and was delicious. Dot Wilford said that Old Time Pizza is the only place she will get pizza from, so you know it has to be good:)

A big thanks also to John Born for donating a number of unused Penton, POG and ISDTRR hats and shirts from his late fathers collection for the raffle. It was a very kind gesture from John and all who won any of these items will surely treasure them.

Also, a big thanks to Mike Rosso from KTM for getting everything ready for us. Earlier in the week when I talked with Mike he asked about what all we might need, I mentioned to him that it being our holiday Family Night meeting we would need a Christmas tree :), sure enough he had one set up for us. Many folks commented on how they had never seen an orange Christmas tree before....and it was decorated with KTM ornaments.

Thanks also to KTM for always allowing us to use their facility, beside the awesome meeting room, it is complete with kitchen, rest rooms, audio visual equipment, and is decorated from the modern KTM era...

Scott Brogan gave a wonderful presentation on his quest from early childhood to earn a pilot license and the long and twisting road that his life took till he finally earned his license a few months ago.  Scott sure has been into a lot of interesting hobbies and jobs over the years including being quite a horseman earning quite a slew of ribbons and trophies. Thank you Scott....

This was the 12th. annual POG Family Night, at the first one Mrs. Pat Leimbach entertained us with some of her wonder stories that she wrote for the local paper, and later combined into her books about farm life and what all went on in her family, it was great to have her in attendance last night.

Mr. and Mrs. John Penton were also in attendance, as usual John did a good bit of signing of items for folks.  If you have read the John Penton book you know a lot about what these two folks have endured over the years and how they came together. When you see them together and how happy they are it just lights up the room.

In closing, thanks to all who attended and helped to make last night such a memorable evening.....


"Sure hope I ordered enough pizza for this crowd..." must have been the thought that was running through Paul's head at the moment I took this shot!
