
Started by Paul Danik, July 16, 2013, 09:01:11 PM

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Paul Danik

As we prepare to gather once again at VMD, it becomes painfully obvious that a number of the folks whom we have enjoyed knowing over the years are no longer with us. Al Born, Dane Leimbach, Dave Mungenast, Leroy Winters, to name a few. Maybe they are gone, but they are surely not forgotten.  If any of you have others that you want to mention please do so.

It is hard for me to imagine that it was 15 years ago that Bob Augustine passed away during the MX at VMD at only 60 years of age... It was Augie who  suggested to me that if I was serious about riding I should get a Penton, sure changed my life...


Dennis Jones

Thanks for the reminder about Bob, I watched that unfold and will never forget it. You lost a true friend that day.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones

jeff greenberg

Regg Rader, Don knaggs
All will be missed, a lot.

dennis brown

did not seen that it was that longago! i rode the trials with bob all day the day before and the mx. was a shock

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown