Sachs 125 B tranny

Started by Steven McQ, June 17, 2002, 04:00:51 PM

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Steven McQ

Believe it, it miss shifts lots. Yes I know a common problem-how do I fix it is the real question?

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance!

72 DKW Enduro


Gavin Housh

McQ. After years of gathering as much info as I could and much trial and error I now can adjust a Sachs shift mechanism confidently. My advice to you is to find someone close to you that would be willing to give you a little help and show you the way to do it right. The best method that I've found is from an artcle I found on this web site some years ago. The article was from an old "Dirt Bike Magazine" entitled "FICHTEL FIXIN ADJUSTING THE SACHS GEAR BOX". The article talks about how to increase the longevity of the parts that wear out, and how to adjust the shift mechanism. This is an excellent article and no Sachs owner should go without a good copie in his or her collection of info. Perhaps this article is still on the internet, and one of the POG members knows how to find it. Try this Good luck.


john durrill

 1'st do you have a shop manual on your Bike?
it covers most of the things you need to do to adjust the tranny.
 i would pull it down and inspect all the gears. check the inside slots where the key engages for wear. check the shift shaft for groves worn in buy the detents. Replace anything that shows wear. Install new detents and springs. some of the gears my be turned over and reused, others will have to be sourced and replaced. If you dont want to try this the first time have Doug do it for you and you know you are starting out with a good gear box.
I can send you an article on the how to adjust if you like , but all the tranny parts need to be in good shape first.
You can get most parts from Al , Larry or Jake.
Let me know what you would like.

Edited by - John Durrill on 06/24/2002  07:47:29 AM

Steven McQ

Thanks tons guys-I am convinced- Doug will get the engine in a box and I will get an engine that shifts.

Never an easy fix....

Thanks lots for the assistance!
