Bing carbs

Started by Edd 44k, September 25, 2013, 02:53:57 PM

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Edd 44k

sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun sorting out your Bings.  Two problems fisrts-GASS. Try finding marina - alcohol and boats don't mix. The boat stuff may be low octane so  mix it with some GOOD premium like BP or Shell. Quit fooling with the chokes I always plugged mine. Secondly you guys have to read more! Anyone riding a BMW With Bings knows exactly what your problem is. The  FLOATS!!!  Alcohol ruins them. They end up absorbing fuel and their weight increases. New Floats should Weigh less than 12 grams and be nice white color. Old floats  will be nasty yellow or brown and probably weigh more than 15 / 16 grams,way too heavy. FYI Bing used to sell a Float No. 310 . They were black molded plastic and very light I always put them in my bings Penton/BMW. I've been told they are no longer available. Probably because they positively solved the float problem and thats bad for business. Check your float needle at the same time , Alcohol ones are available.  GOOD  LUCK

Lot of Penton parts for sale.  Inquire via email.
Lot of Penton parts for sale.  Inquire via email.


Hi Edd,

the old floater in white color have been the first versions, which were later replaced by the solid black ones, which are still being produced by Bing. Bing put the Type 53/54 back on the production line as these carbs are being used for the MZ 250 2-strokes still being produced in Turkey.

Best regards
Guenther Vogt,
Hercules Club, Germany

Hercules-Interessengemeinschaft e.V.

Best regards
Guenther Vogt,
Hercules Club, Germany

Hercules-Interessengemeinschaft e.V.
