Looking for Billy Uhl

Started by Paul Danik, October 16, 2013, 09:38:45 PM

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Paul Danik


   Todd Huffman is wanting to interview Billy for the John Penton movie, but at this time our contact info for Billy is no longer accurate. If any of you have contact info for Billy please send it to me by email, or contact Todd directly with it.

[email protected]


Paul Danik

Thanks for the emails with info on contacting Billy, I have forwarded the info to Todd.

Thinking of Billy brought back memories of the ISDT Qualifiers "back in the day", and few quick stories.

 Billy and Dane on their Berkshires were usually the only riders in the 100cc class and therefore they would start first, as the small bore machines were the first ones out, just as in the ISDT. A few minutes later the 125cc class riders would begin to head out. Several times I was in the first row of 125 machines and there wasn't much of a trail as of yet, and occasionally that sixth sense would begin to tell me I was off the correct trail. Just about that time I would come upon a tight circle of knobby tracks spinning in a circle and realize that Dane and Billy had made the same error a few minutes earlier and realized they too were off the correct trail. At dinner in the evening we often laughed about those incidents.

  You know those guys on the 100cc machines sure had their work cut out for them. The later riders on the larger machines had quite a path to follow, but guys like Dane and Billy had to not only keep those 100cc machines wound up to keep on time, but they also had to really watch for where the trail went, and sometimes it was still not quite full daylight and possibly the morning mist was still in the air.  

In the mornings we would leave the hotel rooms quite early, often times piling into the back of a van with our gear bags like cattle on the way to market. A stop at an all nite diner for a quick bite often occurred, problem was Dane was always wanting to hurry up as he had an early start time, while his cousin and van driver had a much later start time and was usually interested in the waitresses, usually causing a bit of tension within the family.....:D

Ah, those were the days...........
