Akron, Ohio screening July 22nd

Started by ALB, June 19, 2014, 09:35:43 AM

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JOIN Denny and Me
Tuesday July 22, 2014 @ 7:30 pm  at the
Akron /Montrose Regal Theater
for the  premier Akron showing of
  PENTON the John Penton Movie
4020 Medina Rd, Akron, OH 44333
Click this link below to RESERVE YOUR SEATS NOW
If you have any questions give us a call  330-253-7455

 or email me at   [email protected]
How do I reserve/purchase a ticket to a movie?
Scroll over the movie you want to see and click VIEW SCREENING DETAILS, then click either RESERVE YOUR SEAT NOW or BUY YOUR TICKET.
What is the difference between reserving a ticket and purchasing a ticket?
When a movie does not have a GreenLight, your option is to reserve a ticket by pre-authorizing your credit card.

When a movie has a GreenLight, your ticket purchase will be processed immediately.

What does GreenLight mean?
A GreenLight means the screening is definitely going to happen.
When will my credit card be charged?
Your credit card will only be charged once your screening has met the minimum number of reservations and has a GreenLight.

Denny and I will see you there

          364 South Arlington Street Akron, Ohio 44306
Alan Buehner


Howdy folks,

Some of the folks who purchased multiple tickets for our screening of PENTON: The John Penton Story next Thursday evening in Charlotte, North Carolina have experience problems with the blurred QR codes on some of their tickets, which must be printed from a downloaded .pdf file.

The problem is not an issue with the actual printer being used, but with the graphic file itself.

This problem does not seem to occur on the first ticket in a multiple sequence, but on the subsequent tickets.

In some cases, after reporting the problem to Gathr Films Customer Support, a replacement .pdf file containing corrected tickets was sent to the buyer, but the problem remained.

Therefore I recommend you print your tickets as soon as you receive your e-mail from Gathr Films with the .pdf file containing your tickets attached. Then if there is a problem with yours Gathr Films Customer Support will have time to rectify the problem in plenty of time before the event.

All the best,

Al Roof

Paul Danik

This screening is occurring this coming Tuesday, July 22nd. It has gotten the "Green Light" meaning it is a sure thing. I spoke with Denny at VMD and he said they are very excited about having this showing in their local area.

Tickets are still available.


dennis brown

paul danik please e-mail me thanks

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown

Paul Danik

Dennis, I sent you an email with my cell number a couple of days ago. My email is [email protected]   My phone number for you no longer works.  Will try another email to you.


Paul Danik

There are still some tickets available for this screening. Denny and Candy have rented a party room in the theater for a pre-screening party which should be a great time.

Rumor has it that a Steel Tank Penton along with some other Penton items will be used to appropriately decorate the party room and set the mood.

Hats off to Denny and Candy for going the extra mile. Just click on the Gathr link above to order your tickets, the process is very simple and for $ 12.00 you will be sure be getting your monies worth.


Paul Danik

Word has it that John and Jack Penton are going to attend this showing of the movie tomorrow night, Tuesday July 21st. There are still some tickets available.  



Paul Danik

Great job by Candy and Denny in their roles as " Movie Captains" for the showing of the John Penton Story. The entire evening was very special, before the movie the party room was filled with not only men, but also numerous wives and a couple of younger children.The party room rental was a fantastic idea, it was inside the theater just a few steps from where we would watch the movie. The room was locked during the movie so we didn't have to worry about the display items and we went back to the room after the movie.

It was really neat to see the children in line waiting to meet John Penton. They had John Penton movie shirts and wanted John to sign them, actually John personalized their shirts and they really seemed to realize just how special the entire event was, that is if their ear to ear grins were any indication. As always, John and Jack Penton made everyone feel as though they had known them for many years.

Denny and Candy had several cakes decorated with Penton scenes for all to enjoy. A Steel Tank Penton with a Penton Built for Champions banner strung above it adorned the room along with some Penton memorabilia. The discussions of yesteryear filled the room pryer to the movie and numerous folks had lots of Penton related questions, to which the answer was often, "the movie will answer that", afterward many of those same folks agreed with that analogy. Several of the wives made a point of expressing how much they enjoyed the movie, an observation that seems to be the norm rather than the exception with this amazing story and film.

The parking lot outside looked like a scene from a "bike night" at a local wing joint as many folks rode to the event.  John spent some time with those folks before he and Jack headed back towards Amherst, last I saw of them they were headed to the Wendy's drive thru...:D

Thanks again Denny and Candy...


PS  Anyone planning on placing a motorcycle inside the theater should work out the details before hand, Denny had done so and everything went well. There was an instance that I know of where the theater management didn't want a motorcycle in their lobby as they felt someone may get hurt if it tipped over.