not right yet, but closer

Started by tim bowers, May 28, 2002, 09:17:26 AM

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tim bowers

Hi guys, I responded to another message with this already but I thought I better separate
message. I have read about mag side crank seals, bad ignitions etc. lately. Is it
possible that both contribute to the symptoms
I am about to describe? Revs to the moon
when you get off the gas. Loads up when it feels like it. It is almost as if I have
a lean and rich condition going on at the same time. Hence the question mentioned above. How are the PVL ignitions and what are
their price for a 4oo?
Thanks again, we are almost there!!!



I ran into a similar situation at casey with my 400.My motor was running rich but detonated like an air leak.The last moto I ran I needed gas so I bought some track gas, 100 oct race gas.By just topping off my tank with the good fuel,my detonation was gone.If you are running pump gas try this before you attempt any jetting cure.


tim bowers

I am running TORCO 110 race gas at 32:1


Mike Lenz

Make sure the little drain screw on the bottom of the cases that goes into the crank area is in there.



This is a longshot but if by chance you have a rubber tip float needle in a bing,Make certain it is not sticking in the seat.I had one in my 250 I got from Bing Agency that would stick closed sometimes.I was up to a 185 main jet and then it sucked the bowl dry.I pulled the fuel line off the petcocks and blew in it.Iheard it pop open.I put the old steel needle back in and it jetted out like normal.I later found others who had similar problems with the rubber replacements.


tim bowers

Thanks to all. I will consider everry option
here as it is driving me crazy. I changed the
mag seal and put on another ignition and it
starts right up but still idles extremely
high. About 1/4 throttle high. The idle
screw has no effect on the carb.



I am sure you have checked this, but does your throttle cable have enough free play?


tim bowers

I have considered this.I bought it from
Vintage Iron to fit a Magura 314 throttle.
I am not 100% it is right. The front
brake cable I bought from them was not right.
I will check it out tonight, thoroughly.
Thanks again



You might check the guide in the carb for the slide.The nylon can wear or get damaged causing the slide to not work smooth.I have seen them broken off completely and then the slide can rotate around causing high idle and havoc.there used to be a repair kit available with an aluminum guide and cap.



Also make certain the cap on carb is on properly.The screws line up either way, but if it is not right the throttle cable adjuster does not line up with the center of the slide causing the cable to pull at an angle.You can usually hear the spring binding when you twist the throttle and it may stick wide open if pulled hard to the top.


Paul Danik

You should be able to hear the slide hitting the idle screw at the bottom. I have already had to remove the extra locking nut on the cable adjuster on top of the carb to get a cable to work.  Might try removing the cable from the throttle and see if it idles.


tim bowers

I tore down the top end because now I have lost compression. I found a Heil Coil in the
one corner of the block that had worked it's way up into the cylinder bolt hole. It was not seated in the block hole that was stripped or it was intended for. I did not
refurbish this motor myself I had it done
so I do not know if it was there for sure or not when the project was started. I found another one in the head. I am not sure if these will hold the pressure created and the vibration when the bike is running.



Not 100% sure of this, but the 175's that I have dealt with have had a heli-coil in the one corner of the block.  I imagine the 250's and 400's are the same.  A heli-coil should be no problem if done correctly.  Maybe somebody else can shed some light on this.


tim bowers

actually it is a threaded insert in the
I misnamed it. There is however a heil coil in one of the head bolt holes in the head



I assume you have oil in the clutch side case and the seal is good..if the clutch seal is bad it will suck the oil out of the tranny and then suck air next which will make it over-rev..also check the intake manifold for a cracked stem and check the clamp on the bing to make sure its tight and you can't rotate the carb..for what its worth!