Missouri Vintage Hare Scrambles

Started by Jeff D, December 28, 2013, 05:11:07 PM

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Jeff D

For those of you in striking distance of the MOVMX circuit, Curtis Harper is adding Saturday hare scrambles to a select number of the 2014 events.  More info can be found on the Missouri Vintage Motocross website, dates, locations, etc., but the restrictions are basically air-cooled and that's it, thus there will be a class for the modern air-cooled playbikes like the CRF 150 and 230, the KLX, etc, in addition to the old bikes.  Go on the website for info...Curtis doesn't follow the AHRMA classifications for cross country.
I am supposed to help out when possible with course layout and planning, and if I have much to say about it, the courses will be open and flowing as much as possible...for a couple of reasons:
Makes it possible for guys to race their mx bike on Sat and Sun.
Makes it easy to bring a buddy who hasn't ridden in a while and not have him get scared off at the first race because he got mauled by the course (return customers are a good thing!)
Allows the beginners, C riders, youth, etc. to have a fun ride that doesn't beat them up.
Allows the fast guys to have fun dicing with their buddies.
This is not to say that there won't be technical sections or that every course will be a 4th gear romp.  I haven't seen the courses yet and we'll have to deal with what we have, but I'm hoping to be able to help provide very vintage friendly events that will appeal to a wide range of ages and skill levels.  We shall see!  For now, if you're planning on racing the MOVMX events, just be aware that there will be several opportunities to make it a full weekend of fun.
Wish  me luck!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell


  Sounds awesome.  Hope to fit in some dates this year but, then again, I believe I said that last year too.  :D

  Mike H.