2 penton 125s, one Sachs 125 SURVIVE HOUSE FIRE

Started by pklinck, December 10, 2014, 07:11:43 PM

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On November 28th our house went up in flames when everyone was absent during the day time.  I had the above mentioned motorcycles in the basement at the time.  The fire started on the ceiling of the first floor so the basement would have been the last place to go down if the fire fighters did not come.  

The Sachs motorcycle had gas in the tank and their was a set of oxy actylene tanks down there and none of them exploded.  I can't believe it. I am lucky.  My Berkshire signed tank was covered with black wood burn or soot and covered with fire fighter water from the above floor.  If you saw the photo, you would not imagine how anything in the basement would have survived.  Check out the photos at //www.gofundme.com.

I also lost in the fire my John Penton book and my gold medal earned from the 40th reunion Leroy Winters ride in the Berkshires.

Al, I'll be in touch with you.

Todd,  I was wondering if you have or could send me another copy of the John Penton Story video and the poster you just sent me??

peter klinck
peter klinck


Paul Danik



   Thankfully you and your family are OK, but the loss you have suffered is tremendous. Should the items be sent to the same mailing address?

Take care and please keep in touch.


Count me in Peter. Whatever you need boss.

Send me address to send and we'll get it going. Let me know if it's DVD or Blu-ray.

So sorry for your loss but it's only "stuff" deep down.  Not like flesh & blood.

Glad everyone is ok.

Stay positive my friend.



Very devastating and to happen any time, but during CHRISTmas is especially hard.  Very sorry Peter and you and your Family are in my Prayers.  Donation made.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Todd, Paul,

Greetings and thanks.  My mailing address is the same, PO Box 248. Tunbridge, VT. 05077.  Todd, DVD quality is what will work for me.

I was hoping to race next summer my penton 125, which was fortunately at my friend's shop, two houses down.  The un-restored D-motor Sachs six-day was moved into my 16'x10' chicken coup with other motos and parts, power equipment that survived in the basement.  The chickens were sent down to my neighbor's house to finish out their life.

keep in touch,

peter klinck
peter klinck


I also lost my Leroy Winters 40th reunion ride Gold Medal award in the Berkshires which took place in August, 2013.  Was it AHRMA or the pathfinders Enduro organization who provided those medals??  I know there were some extras in the box after the awards were given out.  Does anyone know that contact number?  All my contact info stuff was burnt.

Thanks to all.

peter klinck
peter klinck