Attn. Ron Carbaugh

Started by Paul Danik, May 28, 2015, 02:25:37 AM

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Paul Danik

The news is full of stories of the flooding in Texas, hopefully you are on high ground and all is well. Do you know if Richard's shop is doing OK? I do believe that they had some flooding one time years ago, but possibly that was at another location.  Sounds like a terrible time for many, many folks.



Thanks Paul for the concern, and even though we live on the Guadalupe Rive/Flat Rock lake in Kerrville we only had the river come up less than 2 feet due mainly to our ground being so dry.  As far as Richards shops, the flood I believe you are thinking of, was at his Warehouse that was where that housed the Iron Horse Supply and most of his Collection.  That warehouse was sold to make way for houses the last I heard.  I hope this brings you up to date.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh