Throttle recommendation

Started by ccmnova, July 29, 2015, 07:52:13 PM

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Can someone recommend a replacement throttle for a 74 125 6 days ?  the old throttle is plastic, broke and i cant get any replacement parts. I'd like to get one that takes the same cable since i just got a new cable.

Mickey Sergeant

The magura 314 side pull throttle is what I run on my 100 and 125. Most guys probably use this one. Al buehner has them. I would use terry cable also.


Kip Kern

Ditto, the 314 Magura is great and adjustable also! Enduro/MX


Thanks - I'll check with Al.  Can I use the existing cable ?

brian kirby

I use the Motion Pro copy of the Gunnar Gasser, its called the Turbo. I order it from my local dealer.
