Still...Keeping Track newsletter #68

Started by ALB, September 09, 2015, 10:46:56 AM

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For those dues paying members who were not at the last POG meeting or the ISDT Re-union ride, your latest issue of the POG newsletter #68 is going out in the mail today.  :D

The member profile is on Shan Brown who was a sales rep for John Penton.  [:p]

Ted Guthrie provided photos and wrote up a nice article on the AMA Vintage days event.

Dale Fisher did an article about the POG display held at the AMCA meet at Wauseon, Ohio.

The Tech Tips article is how to tell the difference between the exhaust pipes for the KTM powered bikes.

If you do not receive a copy of this newsletter, then you are not a current paid up member. Print out a copy of the membership form and mail it in with your $20 dues and the current newsletter will be mailed out to you.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner

Mick Milakovic

Al, were we supposed to pick up our copy at the RR?


Dale Fisher

Al also included an order form for the Penton Owners Group merchandise.  Something I hope you all take advantage of if you have not purchased a shirt, movie, or book previously [?]

Keep those renewals coming and the shirts are in limited quantities....

Dale Fisher
Penton Owners Group - President/Memberships
POG Merchandise
Mudlark Registry
Facebook - Penton Owners Group - Administrator
Facebook - Cheney Racing Group - Administrator

'70 Six-Day 125 - V2017
'72 Mudlark - W257
'73 Jackpiner - 175 21159727
'74 Berkshire 100 - 40171056
'98 HP-14 Hi-Point
And some silly other bikes...
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry



No, you were not supposed to pick up your copy at the RR.
I delivered about 10 of the (pre-addressed) envelopes for people that I knew would be there, to save the POG on postage, and allow those people to receive their copy of the newsletter earlier than regular mail delivery.
You should be receiving your copy in the next day or two. [8D]

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner

Paul Danik

Once again Al has put together a great newsletter, sure can't thank him enough for all he does.

When you get your newsletter, check out the cover photo, Shan Brown is looking like he is ready to go while at the start line, but there is more to this photo...:)



what an awesome Newsletter. I can't get over how really, really good the articles are! Great job Al.

Dale Fisher

Whew, looks like the box at the post office was plugged.  I received mass quantities of renewals with half of them including merchandise orders.  Let me say thank you.... and thank you!  Processing will take a few days so be patient [:p]

Is it too early to be thinking holiday gifts [?]

Dale Fisher
Penton Owners Group - President/Memberships
POG Merchandise
Mudlark Registry
Facebook - Penton Owners Group - Administrator
Facebook - Cheney Racing Group - Administrator

'70 Six-Day 125 - V2017
'72 Mudlark - W257
'73 Jackpiner - 175 21159727
'74 Berkshire 100 - 40171056
'98 HP-14 Hi-Point
And some silly other bikes...
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry

Paul Danik

If you look at the cover photo of the Fall 2015 newsletter, Shan is sitting on his Penton while a young man standing at the very right corner of the photo looks on, looks to be Teddy Leimbach.

In making several trips this year that took me west of the Amherst, Ohio exit on the Ohio Turnpike, the pike crosses the Vermillion River and there is a sign stating such. The Leimbach farm sits along the Vermillion River just northeast of the crossing as the river twists thru the valley.

If you ever wish to learn more about the Leimbach and Penton families, and what life was like in those days on the Leimbach farm, I would highly recommend reading the three books that John Penton's sister wrote. Pat Penton Leimbach, mother of Dane and Teddy, was quite a character and her books are a great read and can usually be found on eBay. They are A Thread Of Blue Denim, All My Meadows and a Harvet of Bittersweeet, and were written in that order.

My introduction to her books came when John Penton presented his ISDT Team riders with gifts after a dinner at his home before the ISDT. A Thread of Blue Denim was one of his very much appreciated gifts.

My introduction to Pat Leimbach had occurred months earlier when Dane took me home to the farm to stay while we were preparing for a trip out west for some Qualifiers. Having grown up in a family run agricultural business I pretty much felt right at home with all the goings on.

 Many, many years later, long after the Leimbach farm had ceased production of potatoes, whenever I would call Pat and she would answer the phone I would always say I was calling to order a couple of ton of potatoes. As we both laughed heartily she would reply that I was just a few years to late!

In the John Penton movie, in the scene where a young Jeff Penton is looking out the window awaiting the arrival of his father and he sees the pick up coming down the lane, that is the Leimbach farm.

So, if and when you ever travel the Ohio Turnpike and cross the Vermillion River, possibly your mind will carry you back to those wonderful days and the folks who made them so, I know mine does.

Below is a link to a few photos from a POG Family night where Pat provided us all with some gut splitting tales of life on the farm as well as in the Penton and Leimbach families.

