Cleveland IMS January 29th, 30th, 31st.

Started by Dale Fisher, December 31, 2015, 08:09:28 AM

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Dale Fisher

The Penton Owners Group will be participating in the 2016 Progressive International Motorcycle Show held at the Cleveland IX center.  The location of our display is not know as of this writing but our space (10' x 90') has been defined for preliminary planning.  New guidelines decribe 10' x 10' of the footprint be designated as a club booth with a table and chairs.  If you are able to help with logistics and furnishing display bikes and memorabilia please contact one of the POG officers.  We need to furnish the venue with a list of display motorcycles and participants as soon as possible.  Hope to see you there with some "new" old Penton machines and history for all those attending to enjoy [?]

Dale Fisher
Penton Owners Group - President/Memberships
POG Merchandise
Mudlark Registry
Facebook - Penton Owners Group - Administrator
Facebook - Cheney Racing Group - Administrator

'70 Six-Day 125 - V2017
'72 Mudlark - W257
'73 Jackpiner - 175 21159727
'74 Berkshire 100 - 40171056
'98 HP-14 Hi-Point
And some silly other bikes...
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry


I will be there all weekend and would like to help out in the Penton booth at least on Friday and maybe Sunday. Larry Ward

Dale Fisher

Thanks to all who have already expressed interest in helping with setup and spending some time greeting visitors.  We are still working on putting together a list of the display bikes and passes.

If you could please drop me a reminder and let me know what days you will be available.

[email protected]

Dale Fisher
Penton Owners Group - President/Memberships
POG Merchandise
Mudlark Registry
Facebook - Penton Owners Group - Administrator
Facebook - Cheney Racing Group - Administrator

'70 Six-Day 125 - V2017
'72 Mudlark - W257
'73 Jackpiner - 175 21159727
'74 Berkshire 100 - 40171056
'98 HP-14 Hi-Point
And some silly other bikes...
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry

Dale Fisher

Tick tock, tick tock....  Coming this week!  Listed are the show hours, registration times, move-in and move-out hours.  I'll update the information if any changes are made.

Friday Jan. 29, 2016 3:00pm - 8:00pm
Saturday Jan. 30, 2016 9:30am - 9:00pm
Sunday Jan. 31, 2016 9:30am - 5:00pm
Exhibitors will have access to the hall one hour prior to the
show opening and one half hour after show closing.

Thursday Jan. 28, 2016 10:00am - 6:00pm
Friday Jan. 29, 2016 8:00am - 8:00pm
Saturday Jan. 30, 2016 8:30am - 8:00pm
Sunday Jan. 31, 2016 8:30am - 4:00pm
Exhibitor Registration is located in the main lobby.

Thursday Jan. 28, 2016 8:00am - 6:00pm
Friday Jan. 29, 2016 8:00am - 2:00pm

Sunday Jan. 31, 2016 5:00pm - 10:00pm

Dale Fisher
Penton Owners Group - President/Memberships
POG Merchandise
Mudlark Registry
Facebook - Penton Owners Group - Administrator
Facebook - Cheney Racing Group - Administrator

'70 Six-Day 125 - V2017
'72 Mudlark - W257
'73 Jackpiner - 175 21159727
'74 Berkshire 100 - 40171056
'98 HP-14 Hi-Point
And some silly other bikes...
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry

Paul Danik

While President Dale has been working tirelessly getting all the details for the POG exhibit handled, I have been watching the weather....yes it is a tough job.......and it is looking like it will be in the mid 40s for both Saturday and Sunday...:)

From what I understand, the POG display will have a number of very interesting machines on display that haven't been displayed before at this show. Not only am I excited to see these machines first hand, but even more excited to visit with the folks who are making a great and very much appreciated effort to bring them to the show and help man / and woman... :D the booth.

If you have yet to attend the show, do yourself a favor and take the time to make the trip, it is always a fun time being around not only the POG booth, but the entire show as well.

Maybe you are wondering just what your $ 2.00 a gallon gas will get you when you arrive, well every year the POG display does vary, but these pictures from last year will give you a pretty good idea as to just what goes on in Pentonville at the IX Center..

I had a nice talk with Pres. Dale yesterday about his plans for the booth, and as always, the POG is striving to no only feature our favorite make of motorcycle, but also to have a variety of machines on hand that help to truly represent the era that we all cherish.

Hope you can join us for a nice weekend trip down memory trail...


Dale Fisher

We really couldn't have expected any better location this year.  The West entrance (not shown) is in the lower left corner and our friends at KTM across the aisle.  Our location is booth #300 :D

Dale Fisher
Penton Owners Group - President/Memberships
POG Merchandise
Mudlark Registry
Facebook - Penton Owners Group - Administrator
Facebook - Cheney Racing Group - Administrator

'70 Six-Day 125 - V2017
'72 Mudlark - W257
'73 Jackpiner - 175 21159727
'74 Berkshire 100 - 40171056
'98 HP-14 Hi-Point
And some silly other bikes...
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry

Paul Danik

The updated weather forecast now shows 50 degrees on Sunday, maybe a few folks will be riding to the show on Sunday, possibly Ollie and Scott:), just like VMD.....

I know we sure were lucky that the snow storm that hit last weekend didn't hit the weekend of the York event, I don't know exactly what the outcome would have been, but it would not have been pretty.

Great weather, awesome booth location, can't wait..:D


Paul Danik

Well folks, for being January, and having just finished loading up for show set up in the morning, the weather is just incredible.

Finally this year the stars are lined up perfectly allowing the gang from southern Ohio to not only travel to the show for the entire weekend, but they are also bringing along some of their incredible motorcycles to display in the POG booth. Kent Knudson, along with Gary and Toni Roach are all loaded up and will be heading towards the IX Center at first light. We can not thank them enough for all they do and we are certainly looking forward to spending the weekend with them and checking out their display bikes. I think there might even be a bike with some sort of rotary engine packed into their trailer...:)

I am sure President Dale has the big Hi-Point that he pulled back home from Amherst after the John Penton Day festivities loaded and is ready to head out early as well, no telling what he is bringing to display.

If you are unsure as to what day to attend, Jack said his Dad is planning on being at the show on Saturday..:D

If you have yet to visit this show, with gas prices where they are and the roads as clear as they are, it just might be the time to make the trip. If you come, make the POG booth your home away from home and I will guarantee you that you will have a great time. Please don't be bashful, please introduce yourself as we really enjoy meeting other Penton enthusiasts and hearing your Penton stories.


Paul Danik

The 2016 Progressive International Motorcycle Show is now history, and what an historic event it was.

Several times over the weekend the question came up as to how long has the POG been doing a display at this event. In looking thru the POG Photo Gallery the answer appeared, as Bill Smith captured the first POG display which was on January 29-30 2010, so this was the 7th. year. The link below will show you the first POG display in 2010 as captured by the camera of Bill "shutterbug" Smith. We sure have come a long ways...thanks to the work of so many folks. Pryor to the 2010 show, the POG had done a small 10 x 10 display one time in the "club" section of the show, but nothing like what it presented now.

As was stated above, the display is the result of the work of a lot of folks, and all of their work is surely appreciated.

At the ISDTRR this year, talks began with Kent Knudson in the hope that he might be willing and able to bring some of his collection to the show, as we all know, Kent is always willing, and fortunately this year he was "able", as was a couple of his close friends and fellow Penton enthusiasts Gary and Toni Roach. I am pretty sure that the Jackpiner on display was one of Gary's machines. Words alone can not express how grateful we all are for the efforts that Kent, Gary and Toni put into this years display...but we will try...

THANK YOU...Kent, Gary and Toni..  You efforts are only exceeded by your enthusiasm:D:D:D...

A big POG thanks also goes out to James Giddings who allowed Kent to bring along his very special Hercules ****el, as well as the KTM bicycle that James's father Harold was presented by KTM many years ago as a reward from KTM in consideration of his dealerships sales. To say that James's ****el powered Herc was a show stopper would be an understatement.

President Dale hauled a large load of machines, memorabilia and POG props into the IX Center to form the basis of the POG display, as well as preforming a long list of behind the scenes tasks that need to be handled to make the POG display at this show possible. Dale also tended to plenty of POG business while at the show.

 It was also great to have Jim Horwatt and his brother on hand along with their beautiful CMF 125 machine, hope to see more of these gents.

John Penton was on hand Saturday and the line of folks wishing to meet John was never ending. Jack and Barb Penton were on hand as well.

To everyone who helped in any way. Thank you very much.

 Hopefully some of the more tech talented folks will post some of their photos that are on the POG face book page on this site as well.

What makes all of the work worth while is the appreciation that the shows attendees show for the POG display. Numerous folks stated that the POG display is their favorite at each years show. Numerous folks also comment on the variety of the machines that are displayed. The POG tires to celebrate not only the rich history of the Penton Sportcycle in its display, but the entire era that we all treasure so very much as well.


Gary Roach

We had a really great time hanging out with fellow Poggers for 3 days! Got to see some old friends, and make some new ones.

Here's a link to my album with close to 70 photos in it:



Thank you so much for the kind words Paul.  It's ALWAYS a pleasure, and honor, to hang out with our POG kin folk!  I'm also glad that all of the logistics worked out so well...warm weather, proximity to the KTM booth, all of the assistance unloading and loading, etc.  And President Dale even supplied signage with photos and a history of Team Pentovarna that we were able to display with our bikes...thank you again Dale! Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't thank Gary and Toni again for riding was a team effort and I absolutely could not have done it without them.  

I'm still amazed at how much attention James' rotary Hercules garnered.  Attendees of all ages were enamored by it, to the extent that the pages of James' accompanying photo album were actually starting to fall out from being viewed so much and I was getting hoarse from answering so many questions!  And the one question everyone asked was "what does it sound like?".  I'm thinking we will film a short video for the show next year so everyone can actually hear it running.  Rumor also has it we may be able to provide another variation of custom rotary Hercules by next year as well[:p]

I was also surprised how much everyone enjoyed the vintage KTM bicycle and the barn fresh Husky 450WR as well.  People love unrestored, period-correct bikes!  And because Husqvarna didn't have a display at the show, I believe it was the only one there.

Thanks again to all of the POGer's in attendance for their hard work and assistance...we had a wonderful time!

Kent Knudson
Kevin Brown
Gary & Toni Roach
James & Adam Giddings
Dennis & Cory Buttrick
Derick Kemper
Nicole Hays
Josh Gaitten
Kent Knudson
Kevin Brown
Gary & Toni Roach
James & Adam Giddings