Bike of the month?

Started by Doug Wilford, August 11, 2002, 07:43:18 PM

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Doug Wilford

We have a nice 125 picture as bike of the month.   Problem is somehow the information about the bike is missing.  Luap probably is the culprit.   But if this is yours or know who, what, when or where, Please let us know so we can enter the information with the picture.    We are also looking for pixs of future BOM entries.  Thanks!!!



Doug and all POG members,
This bike was mine when the photo's were submitted for Bike of the Month. The bike was restored by Chris Brown and I believe that a friend of his removed it from a dumpster before Chris got it. The Bike is currently owned by Bill Ockerlund of MI. Great job Chris!
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

rob w

Doug, good choice for BOM. Donny & Chris, very nice restore. Could you please tell me about the green paint that was used (make & color), and a little about how to prep fiberglass for painting. Was there a reason you painted the cylinder and head black? I have seen it done before, it looks good, was there a special bike issued that was like that? Thanks Doug, Donny, Chris.



You'll have to get Chris to give you the answers on the Paint for the Tank, air box and side panel. I asked him about the black cylinder and he told me that he remembered his first Penton with a black cylinder> (Yes, it was a CMF bike too!) I thank you for the comments on the bike, but Chris did it all but the fenders.
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Bob, Donnie, I don't remember where or who I heard it from, but I remember that some West Coast Pentons came with or were set up with black painted top ends.  I don't know if it was a dealer doing it to set themselves apart from the rest or what.  Does anybody have any other information about it?




The 125 I bought from Mettco in 1973 had a black top end. They may have done the color change, it also had Akront wheels.




Glenn, Brian.
I wouldn't know since I did all my racing and stuff in the mid south west (OK, TX, NM, AR, KS area) serviced by Penton Central.
Some of the other SoCal members should have a better answer.
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Chris Brown

I got a personal email from Bob Flinchbaugh telling me to stop in here about my old Six Days.
Yes, that's the bike I did last year that Donny bought.
It came from George Erl at Up-Tite Racing in Santa Ana. He had it sitting in his store for many, many years. He told me a guy came in and offered it to him as it was going to be put out with the trash while they were clearing out the old house after his dad died. I don't have a lot more detail than that. I bought it (well, it is a Penton)for a pit bike and something for my wife and non-rider friends to ride. Once I started working on it I just got carried away and made it way too nice to let anyone ride it.
So I finished it up and was asked to part with it before I really wanted to let it go. Donny just couldn't do without it.
The green is a good match to the original. Since I've done so much painting over the years, I custom matched it. I had some Jackpiner blue left over, and some number plate yellow. Mixed together it makes green! BTW, prep is pretty extensive, a topic for another post.
The motor had a baked on black finish to the barrel and head, it looked like powder coating or something. It was obvious that the engine had never been taken apart, and after disassembing the entire bike it did prove to be a very low-time bike. So I just re-finished it in black, and bored it and put a new piston in. It was evident that that's the way it was when it was new. Heck, the thing even had the original tires on it. Whoever owned it just rode it 'till it died and then parked it.
It got pretty much new or re-finished everything. My only gripe was that it was an "A" motor with points. So it's not really a race bike. All the better to make it a display bike.
Email or post any questions.
Thanks for posting it BOM. I have two up there now!


Doug Wilford

That is really neat Chris, great story and great looking job.  Two BOMs' might cause some competition to see who can post the most BOMs'   It would be great then there wouldn't be shortage of pictures and stories to work with.   Anyone who wants to send a picture of there bike with a short story or history of the bike, send them to [email protected]   Thanks Chris and Donny and all.