web page for tech articles on Penton

Started by john durrill, August 23, 2002, 08:47:13 AM

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john durrill

ok folks we have a web site that will allow us to post 50 megs of files . we can use it to keep our tech articles and and tuning info . ( jetting , reed kits , pipes etc.)
we need a picture to put on the front page. please send some to me at [email protected]
 here is the web adress of the group. we restricted membership to try and keep the spammers and porn bots out.
hope this effort will be a help to all of us.
give us input as to what you would like posted and help buy sending us any info on motor work, jetting , etc.
 web addy is
 John & Peter



Great idea John. I think this will be a big help for all Penton owners out there. Thanks

Mike L.

john durrill

Posted the first Article on the group page , its in Photos. one by John Cobb on Sachs Tranny adjustments.
I think 2 of you did not take when I approved the membership. please resend it or reply to my e-mail that should work.
 Dig around guys and send in any info on jetting or engine work you think would help a new member here on POg.
replacing swing arm bearings would be a good one , chuckle chuckle. that can be a real pill sometimes.
 I have some web sites that I can post in the links section on how to do port mapping on a cylinder. how to jet a bing , mikuni carb. some on how a pipe works and rules of thumb on how to modify or build one.
 if you want I can add them.
only had one picture sent for the front page and it was in a format my machine didn't recognize so will still need some to use. we can rotate them every week or so a different one will be on the page.
 I have pipe measurements from a  72 ,125 b motor and a 73 175 pipe. just need to do a drawing and scan if that would be helpful
John & Peter


Big Bob

Excellent idea, greatly appreciated.Big Bob.