Anyone Planning on this National MX Event?

Started by wfopete, August 11, 2016, 06:38:55 AM

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Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

Larry Perkins

I am scheduled for the Delta Ohio National Pete.

Larry P

jeff greenberg

Ahhhh, My hometown track from back in the day. Enjoyed racing MX as well as TT there.
Enjoy your trip to NW Ohio !!


I'll be vacationing in Michigan during that time & Deta will be less than an hour away. I had planned to attend the Michigan Qualifier but that was canceled so that leaves MX. I just bumped my AHRMA skill level to Expert/black stripe. I figured I've been riding too long to not to, besides I've seen too many Intermediates who could compete at the Expert level (sandbaggers?).  I'm sure there will be some old bad fast Michigan/Ohio riders there in the +50 class so my hands will be full waving them by.

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

jeff greenberg

Bold move! Go get em Pete !!
I fly to Michigan (from Scottsdale) twice a year to woods ride up by Grayling. Good trails, fun times.


Jeff, I spent more than a few summers up in Grayling piloting M48 and M60 tanks and a few dirt bikes in between.  Once the cooks in my unit found where the training area was they would go up early and dig "beer pits" to stash beer.  I spent some of my time tracking my own troops to find the stash. It was like prohibition with the speakeasies.

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

jeff greenberg