VDO Questions

Started by Gary Heath, August 24, 2016, 07:51:57 PM

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Gary Heath

Just finished my Jackpiner project...put on a new 40 year old speedo
doesn't seem to be working...drive and cable are working right...When I turn the tripometer the speedo needle moves...??  Any Advice

Does any know the name of the shop that works on these...I remember someone talking about it a while back??


Mike Schulz

Hi Gary,
I have had good success with North Hollywood Speedometer -www.nhspeedometer.com  . They are experts at VDO repair and have an inventory of parts. Hope this is helpful and congratulations on the completion of your project!
Mike Schulz


Gary that is who we have used.  Just couldn't find my file.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Kip Kern

Ditto, go by their shop each year.  Will be there Thanksgiving week and visit Bertus Jawa CZ!

Gary Heath

Thanks Everyone...Will give them a try...