Barber '16 Pictures

Started by brian kirby, October 09, 2016, 09:12:21 PM

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brian kirby

The Cross Country racing went well at Barber yesterday in spite of me coming straight off 6 months on the couch and the dust. I got 1st in Sportsman Open Expert on the 74.5 250 and the overall for Vintage and 2nd in PV200 on the 84 KTM125 and I think 5th overall for Post Vintage. I had a couple of close calls with the dust, I got dehydrated after the first race which caused my legs to cramp really bad in the 2nd race. On the first lap of the PV race I stopped to help a rider who had crashed, was stuck under his motorcycle and obviously had his "bell rung". He was OK but I didnt care about losing 2-3 minutes helping him, that might be me next time.

There were only three other Pentons there, Bill Ryburn's 74.5 Jackpiner, and two CMF 125s. I believe Bill won his class, but I am not sure how the others did.

My Mom did not go so I dont have the usual large amount of pictures to share, but I have a few and some short videos.

Expert row start.

Up a rough rocky hill.


Mick Milakovic

That's a tight start line, not much room for a lot of bikes.


brian kirby

Yes, this is the same start area the first two years, '06 and '07. Other than the tight start I really like this course on the other side of the facility from where we were from '08-'15. Dave Lamberth and Chicago Jerry both did the best they could with what Barber let them use over there, but the side we are on now has more room, the course is about the same distance but not as tight.

The parking situation was excellent this year also, a massive improvement on past years.
