Wanted: 301-2 VIN 100/125 penton frame

Started by pklinck, November 22, 2017, 09:42:50 PM

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In early 73', not all the frames were high-breathers.  I had a 302 with the kick-stand on the swing arm but it was not a high breather.  go look in your shed and check the VINs.   I'll accept a high breather too but must be 301-303 VINs in early 73'.  I have a swing-arm.  contact me at [email protected].  Thanks everyone.

peter klinck
peter klinck


Don Roth

Happen to have two of them, one w/ swingarm one without,
SE Ohio, pretty good condition. 301 series, all tabs present Tried direct email, came back as invalid.