Vintage MX Race

Started by tlanders, September 17, 2002, 02:44:35 PM

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There is a great MX track in southern Missouri called the Thayer Motocross Farm. I've gone down there a few times to practice on Sunday afternoons. The place is beautiful with permanent restrooms, a pressure washer to clean your bikes off after the race, it is nicely landscaped and has very pleasant owners. When I practice I simply go around the double jump and the whoops section and it makes a GREAT vintage race track. I have convinced the owner to hold a vintage race on November 24. I know most of our Penton guys live too far away but I hope the Illinois, Arkansas and Missouri guys will come and enjoy themselves. We are going to pattern it after the successful MOVMX series, except it will be less expensive. Only a $20 entry fee and you do not have to be AMA or AHRMA members. A good place to try out those newly discovered Pentons!!!

Hope to see you there. Larry Perkins, you need to come out of retirement for this!!!! If you do, I won't tell anybody and you can keep it a secret except for all the guys who are coming. Curtis Harper said he was coming and I know some of our Vinduro guys are going to make it. It will be really fun, no points, no pressure. Everybody gets a prize of some sort.



Mark Annan


Sounds good.  How about some more info about how to get there.  Does the track have a web site?  Thanks,  Mark



Great!! Where is this place located?? I am in Okla.; Joplin is about 3 hours away! Harpers at Greenwood is a sleep over for me!!But well worth the trip! Tell us more. Mike-003



It is located in Thayer, MO which is near the Arkansas border and in the middle of the state east/west wise. The website is

It's great to hear from you Mike and Mark. We are going to get flyers made up this week to distribute at the MOVMX race at DeSoto, MO this Sunday. Are you going MArk? It's VERY close for you.




sounds like a great track can e-mail some directions when you get a chance i would be coming from west palm beach fla



Mike, What kind of Penton do you ride? It will be great if we end up with more Pentons than any other marque!!! Maybe we need to offer a prize for the rider who traveled the farthest?? When I get the flyer later this week I'll email it to you.



Mark Annan


Unfortunately (race wise) I will not be able to come to the MO-VMX race in DeSoto.  I have another family commitment this weekend.  I've had one nearly every race weekend this summer.  Next summer it will be different!!  ( I hope :-)  )  I'll keep a good thought for you guys.  I know you will do the POG proud.

Regards,  Mark



thanks for the e-mail and look forward to your directions when you get them
i have a 1971 penton 125 six day penton steel tanker
i have owned the bike since 1972 the bike is in very good shape for her age and runs as well as when i just got her! there is one item i need since you also are a penton enthusest i am looking for a exhaust pipe can you help the one i have i can use but is in a bad way in the back (silencer area)??
any way what do you ride?
thanks agian



Mike, I bought a 1971 steel tank Six Day in 1971 and raced the Jack Pine, the Berkshire 2 day International and many others that year. In 1972 we moved to Missouri from Michigan and I put the Penton in the barn. I took it out in the summer of 2000 and took it to Mid Ohio and met the nicest group of people you could ever find - the Penton Owners Group. Since then I have purchased and rebuilt, some literally from basket cases, 2 1974 Jack Piners, 1 1975 Six Day, 1 1973 Hare Scrambler, and 1 1974 Mint 400. I also bought a new 200 EXC KTM last year. I gave one of the Piners to my 22 year old son Alex and I am racing the others except for my original 1971 steel tanker which I am hoping to restore this winter. I believe Al Buehner has the silencer ends for your pipe. Looking forward to meeting you.




I took flyers for the November 24 Vintage MX race in Thayer to the MOVMX race in Desoto last Sunday. There was great support for the Thayer race, many said they were going to come. There were 71 riders in Desoto and it was a new place to hold a vintage mx also. The discouraging thing at Desoto was I was the ONLY rider on a Penton!!!! The good news is that in the 40+, 50+, and 60+ novice class, my Mint 400 garnered two hole shots and no one passed me. There was a 501cc Maico in the group so I am really proud of my Penton. Also in the 125cc Classic, 125cc Sportman and 250 Classic novice class, my little six day 125cc classic bike was only bested by a CanAm and beat all the sportman Hodakas and other rice burners in the first moto. In the second moto, I found a neutral that wouldn't go away for too long and a Kawasaki snuck by. We need more Pentons racing the Missouri series!!!! Larry, we need you!!!!! The rice burners are taking over!!!!!! Mark, come race with us. How about Moberly on October 13? PENTONS RULE!!!



rob w

Mr. Landers, I sure do like your enthusiasm! You are a inspiration to me! I think I'm going to have to win that prize for the rider who traveled the farthest(furthest?). Pentons rule! and so do Pentonians.




Thanks Rob, where do you live? Since you, Mark, two Mikes and I are coming (Dave Withrow, Dave Sanders - where are you???), I think we should also have prizes for all the riders on the marque with the most bikes represented!!!! Hopefully that will be Pentons, however there are a lot of Hodakas out there thanks to Phast Phil Ketchum!! I wonder if Kevin Brown and Gary Roach would come and thrill us all???

Rosemary and I are trying to figure out a neat name for the ride/race. She likes Turkey Trot, I like Turkey Run or Fall Finale or Don't Fall Finale. Any ideas?

There is going to be a new helmet raffle. $1 a ticket and the money goes to a local charity.
