Remembering Hall of Famer Leroy Winters

Started by Paul Danik, September 14, 2018, 04:22:56 AM

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Kevin Grimes

Paul, thanks for the kind words. I have built several Leroy replicas, my favorite is the 69 ISDT Penton that was on display during the 2008 Vintage Days. There is several pictures on the photo page.

I'll try to add to the Leroy saga by telling the Lamborghini story, stay tuned.

Kevin Grimes

As promised the "Leroy and the Lamborghini "story.
In the spring of 1972 Leroy picked up his custom Lamborghini Miura from the factory in Italy. For those who don't know the Miura is known as the first "Italian Supercar," with it's mid engine V12 it could obtain speeds of 175 MPH. There was very few U.S. versions of this car because at the time the D.O.T. was cracking down on Lamborghini because of non compliance of pollution and safety requirements. After Leroy purchased the car he left it in Europe with a friend for one year and then imported it as a used private automobile trying to dodge new car taxes and D.O.T. inspections. When the car arrived at the New Orleans port of call the car was impounded for lacking a air pollution certification. Leroy posted a bond and took the car home with the promise of returning after smog equipment was installed.
Back in Fort Smith Leroy visited the local Fiat dealer and asked for an extended test drive of a new Fiat returning the car several hours later. What the dealer didn't know was Leroy had removed the SMOG compliance decal and mounted it on the Lamborghini. Leroy returned to New Orleans Customs, showed the compliance decal and motored away a happy man.
Back in Fort Smith Leroy visited the local Arkansas State Police Headquarters and took the district supervisor for a high speed test drive down the interstate just to let them know if they saw him zoom by not to chase him just meet him at the Honda shop.


Too funny.

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

Paul Danik


   After reading your story I can see more and more why Leroy and John were such good buddies. They sure lived by the old motto of "where there is a will there is a way".

Thanks for sharing...



Thanks Kevin for the great story about the Lambo.  Leroy also built a Helicopter and the factory that sold the kit was so impressed with the workmanship that they used it for pictures of their brochures.  Needless to say it was aworkof art.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Kevin Grimes

 Some of Leroy's design improvements on the helicopter were so good that the factory incorporated them into later model kits they sold.


  The factory that sold the kit for the Helicopter was also  impressed with all the polishing and chrome work LeRoy did on the finished product.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Paul Danik

So was it true that Leroy's motorcycle work stands/lifts were chromed as well ?


Kevin Grimes

Yes it is true, chrome lifts and carpet on the floor. A beautiful three story building with a stream that fed into a Coy pond underneath the bridge to the front door, it reminded me of a draw bridge over a mote. There was a time when a huge Boa Constrictor hung out in the office located on the show room floor.
Leroy built and designed the building himself using giant reclaimed oak beams that originally housed a locomotive repair depot.
 The service department, parts and showroom were on the first floor.
There was a garage for the cars on the second floor and a apartment on the third floor. All pretty neat.


Kevin Grimes

The picture is Leroy on Daytona Beach in the spring of 1961.
Leroy built his custom pickup from a Studebaker Champion car. Hood louvers, side pipes, custom lights and wire wheels were all the rage back then. Leroy's Triumph is tied down with a special winch he fabricated from a powered antenna motor. All pretty cool huh?


  Are there any pictures of Leroy's shop?
