Steel Tanker's grandson takes a run at the hill...

Started by Paul Danik, February 28, 2019, 11:42:40 PM

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Paul Danik


   Need a little something to get your heart pumping..... turn up the sound and enjoy watching the grandson of your Steel Tanker taking a run up the hill.


Carl Hill

I've ridden up that mountain... it's kinda scary at 20mph on a gold wing.


I road up Pikes Peak on my 1973 Yamaha 350 twin in June of that year. Made a little snowman, put it on my seat, and took a pick near a Pikes peak sign. Road that little 2-stroke 2500 miles on that trip. Stopped at a Yamaha shop near Denver and got some carb jets for the ride up. I though the road was gravel? ol Dave

Daniel P. McEntee

I just went to the top while visiting my son who is posted in Colorado Springs at Fort Carson. They are building a new visitors center at the top, and had limited access. Most visitors were shuttled up in vans from a lower point, but since we had two senior citizens (:D my wife and I) and a small child (my grand daughter) we were allowed to drive up. It's a serious climb! They finished paving the road a few years ago. I think the last two miles were gravel for a long time. I got a little woooooooozy while on top and could have used a blast of oxygen but they weren't serving any! it's well worth the visit. They had the cog wheel train down for repairs, and next time up I want to take the train.
  Type at you later,
  Dan McEntee