Antique shop find...FINIALLY !

Started by Paul Danik, September 18, 2019, 08:10:58 AM

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Paul Danik


   Like some of you that I have talked with, Judy and I enjoy visiting Antique shops. I always have kept an eye out for anything Penton or Penton related in shops from Key West to Bar Harbor with no luck till yesterday:)

    At a very nice shop in Ogunquit, Maine there were two full cans of Spectro two stroke oil, the full quart size that was used before the concentrate was developed. Not Penton, but a strong connection. On the cans the history of the company and its founder Robert Wehman is told.  John Penton has always spoken very highly of Robert Wehman.

   At the Penton/POG 40/10 Anniversary celebration the folks from Specto Oils came to the event and set up a very nice display as a tribute and show of appreciation to John Penton. I have heard tales from Jack and others about how they would travel to the home of Spectro to haul trailer loads of oil labeled as Hi-Point back to Amherst.

   The oil cans don't hold a candle to Jeff Borer finding one of the very early airboxes for a Steel Tank Penton at a garage sale in Amherst, Ohio, YES, the long air box :D

   Possibly others have "struck gold" in an Antique shop or unusual place........


Carl Hill

Once many years ago when I lived in Lorain I stopped at a yard sale in Amherst. I spotted a green Penton Jersey with yellow lettering. I asked the young lady who's this was , thinking they may have the bike that matched it. She replied the her sister used to date "one of those Penton boys ". That was my first real jersey and I wore it until it had holes. I always imagined one of "those boys " leaving in a hurry without his shirt! Anyway it went to a good home.

Rick Bennett

They must have put those cans on display after Donna and I came through. I think we hit ninety percent of the ones from Ohio to Maine. I am junk drunk.


Hi all,
Yes, I too am always on the lookout for motorcycle related items when scouring garage sales, flea markets and antique shops. About a year ago, I stumbled upon a 1972 Jim Beam "Mint 400" decanter at a local antique shop near my house. Someone else had already polished off the contents of the decanter so that was a bummer. This find wasn't worth a great deal of $$, but thought it was a neat find since I still have a 74.5 Mint 400.
Dave McC

Tom Penton

Nice find, Paul.  Dad / Uncle Ted sponsored me for a couple days stay at Spectro with Bob Weyman to "pick up some of the oil business knowledge"  Bob was a wonderful host and maybe I did learn something!  Also as a greenhorn big rig driver I made a trip for oil to Connecticut, and was terrified by some very steep hills.

Tom Penton
Tom Penton