72 Piner swingarm alignment

Started by Dennis DeGonia, April 11, 2020, 06:31:37 PM

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Dennis DeGonia

Working on my third 72 Piner restoration and have a question to throw out here.
The bike that I am working on has been rode hard and put away wet in its past. Among other things the rear mount bushing was missing and the back of the motor case was broken out where it use to be and the case was counter sunk from wear from it being loose. When the motor was put back in the frame it was tightened up without the bushing in it so I am sure there are some issues there as well.

I guess my question is that when the swingarm bolt is tightened now it forces the swingarm to the left side of the bike as the head of the bold contacts the right hand bushing as it should. I seems to me that the left side of the swingarm has nothing to keep it from contacting the inner side of the gusset where the swingarm bolt threads into the frame gusset. Early original service manual does not address this area that I could find. Was there ever any spacer for the right side? I sure don't remember one in the other two Piners that I have done. Of course there are a lot of other things I don't remember anymore either:D. Interested to hear others experience on this. D