5 inches of S...KT

Started by rob w, June 08, 2020, 09:42:50 AM

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rob w

I have 84 of 87 issues of Still....Keeping Track. Just fits into a 5" binder.
Years of hard work from Al Buehner, POG officers, and members.
That's a whole lot of Penton info there. - Thanks everyone.

picture -> https://photos.app.goo.gl/rpx4DYxcTC4TSg3L6

(Missing 3,4,& 8)

Larry Perkins

For sale?  If so interested.

Larry P


I have some extra copies. Robw if you can tell me which 3 you are missing I will see if I have them. Larry I will get a list to you of the remaining extra copies if you like.

Paul Danik

Greetings Mr. Wardlow,

   Very interesting post. I too will look to see if I have the extras for what you are missing.

   If I may add,  a whole lot of thanks also goes to a Mr. John Penton, and I mean over and above creating the motorcycle and all of the "normal - usual" things we all feel indebted to John Penton for.

   From Day 1 of the meetings held to plan out the creation of the Penton Owners Group, to this very moment, John Penton has been such an incredible and easy going person to work with. The latest POG meeting being held in his yard is a perfect example.

   Right after we cancelled the May meeting the idea of possibly having a June open air meeting in his yard came to mind. When the idea was floated by Jack he instantly liked it and John instantly climbed on board as well. John is such a good sport about so many things that it is simply incredible.

   Above everything that can be said about what John Penton has accomplished in his lifetime, the bottom line is that he is a really nice person :D The folks that voted him most popular rider in the AMA many years ago knew what they were doing and he beat out some really heavy hitters.  

   I have seen him sit for hours and sign items for folks and NEVER have I heard any grumblings from him. I can not even begin to count the things that he has been asked to do for the POG since the beginning and he is always on board with his usual John Penton enthusiasm, no matter what it meant that he had to do, heck he even drove to California with Al Buehner the year before Penton was Featured Marque just so they could scope out the event.

   Didn't mean to go on Bob in your thread, but I have been wanting to say this for a long time and the door just seemed to open here.

    John Penton is a Good Sport and one heck of a nice person.


rob w

I wholeheartedly agree. For 22 years, where would the Penton Owners Group have gone without the giving, unselfish support of Mr. John Penton and family. There's no question, that their kindness and collaboration, has made this group stand out to be very special.