Wanted Bing 28mm Carb Slide

Started by Cal Alexander, June 25, 2020, 05:42:13 PM

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Cal Alexander

Looking for a 28mm Bing Carb Slide. Its the version on the later Bing 84s with the built in choke slide. Al and the Bing Agency are sold out. Carb number is 2/28/100 1

Thanks in advance for any help / leads.
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Dale Fisher

Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
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Larry Perkins

The 28 and 30 are the same.  The older 32 is the same.  The newer 32 had the idle screw in a different position and has a cutout in the side of the slide so it is different.

Larry P

Cal Alexander

Guys, thanks for the reply. Looks like the slides Jake has are the newer style as described by Larry. They have the notch instead of the beveled edge at the bottom where the idle screw rests so the idle screw will not work properly. Al said that the notched style slide was used on the later Hercules bikes. I'll keep looking. Its amazing how quickly this stuff is disappearing. Guess were not getting any younger :)
75 MC 250
75 Mint 400
74 Jackpiner
74 Hiro
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73 Penton Trials
72 Six Day
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and a few others


Did you take a look at eBay item 192204419078 during your search ?
Dave McC

Larry Perkins


That is for the Type 53 carb and what Cal needs is for a Type 84.

Larry P

Cal Alexander

Thanks Dave, I had looked at that one earlier. As Larry indicated its for the older style carb. It also has the square choke slide vs the flat one. There are a couple of parts carbs out there so I may make an offer on one of those if no slides turn up. Thanks again guys for the help.
75 MC 250
75 Mint 400
74 Jackpiner
74 Hiro
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73 Penton Trials
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and a few others

Larry Perkins

I have a few but use them to rebuild Type 84 carbs. Let me see if I can spare one.  Will let you know by Monday.

Larry P

Cal Alexander

Thanks Larry, that would be great if you have one to spare. Still looking, just found some NOS choke springs at a good price but still no slides.
75 MC 250
75 Mint 400
74 Jackpiner
74 Hiro
74 Penda
73 Penton Trials
72 Six Day
72 Berkshire
70 Six Day
and a few others

Larry Perkins

I know I have the springs and choke slides.  Will look at slides tomorrow.

Larry P