The first 10 serial production Pentons .....

Started by Paul Danik, March 25, 2021, 08:37:01 AM

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Paul Danik

Greetings, I had posted this elsewhere along with a photo and failed to post it here as well. A very important anniversary for sure. Hopefully the saying " Better late than never" will apply to this post.....:)

  · March 7 at 8:12 AM  ·
Greetings, 53 years ago today, March 7th. 1968, the first 10 serial production Penton Sportcycles arrived in the United States.  Those first 10 machines were shipped by airfreight and were picked up at the airport and hauled to Amherst, Ohio by Wally Wilford, Doug Wilford's father.
The machines were airfreighted as time was most certainly of the essence as the Stone Mountain National Enduro was on March 10th and six of those machines were entered and would be ridden by Dave Mungenast, Leroy Winters, Tom Penton, Larry Maiers, Al Born and John Penton.
    Through the collaborative efforts of John Penton and Erik Trunkenpolz, the world of off road motorcycling was about to be changed forever.
 Possibly, just as important as to how the Penton Sportcycle changed the world of off road motorcycling is how it changed the lives of so many people through the years, mainly because of the influence that John Penton and his Family had on countless folks with their words, actions and deeds.



53 years ago, this song, is still there!

Very Long Boats...

Thomas Brosius
Thomas Brosius


53 years ago, this song, is still there!

Very Long Boats...

Thomas Brosius
Thomas Brosius