AHRMA Shady Acres

Started by johnbowman, July 05, 2021, 01:38:25 PM

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Hello everyone. I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday weekend.

I'm headed to Shady Acres next week. I hope to see some Pentons on the line!

Richard Colahan

I will miss one of my favorites due to some injuries at Reynlow. It turns out that old bones take awhile to mend! This is always a GREAT vintage friendly course! Have a great race everyone! And remember: No falls! No stalls!

Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA
Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA


Wow! What an awesome race. West Virginia and Maryland were gorgeous. The course was excellent. The weather was perfect. This was probably the best AHRMA race of the year.

Special thanks to Bill Ryburn for supplying a 428 master link after mine decided to disappear on the third lap on Saturday! It held together Sunday and I finished with no problems.

Those boys up there sure can fly! I had a hard time keeping up in the PV race. Of course, it didn't help that I was already exhausted from the vintage race. You'd think that I would have learned by now.

Looks like we have a two month break to get ready for the next race. It might take me that long to recover, but I would head right back up there to ride that one again.

Richard, I hope that you're feeling better. I took your advice on the Penton: no falls and no stalls, except for the sudden stall when the chain let loose. Luckily, Larry had installed a heavy duty case guard. I just had to bend the guard back in shape, put on the master link,  and let 'er rip on Sunday.