Will Stoner Swap Meet

Started by [email protected], October 29, 2002, 01:14:49 PM

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[email protected]

Can someone give more info the Will Stoner swap meet on Nov. 10th as far as info & directions?


Kip Kern

Mansfield, Ohio, Trimble Road exit, Fair Grounds.  Will will have signs present at intersections!



It's just off of US30 in Mansfield, Ohio. Exit at Trimble Road and head north about 1/4 mile. Turn left onto Longview Ave. and follow signs to Fairgrounds.
I just got my vender application and it looks like there are no outdoor spaces this year.
Cost to enter is around $5-6/person. Parking is $1-2.
There is usually about a 3:1 street to dirt ratio



Can someone give more info on when the swap meet will start?



Open to public Sunday, Nov. 10 from 8 AM to 3 PM. Vendor set-up starts at 7AM if I remember correctly.



Mansfield, Ohio, Trimble Road exit, Fair Grounds.  Will will have signs present at intersections!

I may have a selection rollers and project bikes to bring up to the swap meet, How would I go about setting them up for sale or can I share the cost of a vender booth etc. I have never sold anything at a swap meet before.  I may have pictures and descriptions early next week, I need to clean out my "Barn" with bikes that I will never have time for or bikes that need more work than I am willing to do at this time.

thanks...Kirk Sessions


Kip Kern

You can contact Will Stoner at AMAdirectlink.com and he can help you out.  Everything is indoors this year so you won't be cold!  I really enjoy being a vendor as you are afforded the opportunity to meet folks "face to face" and clean out the old garage at the same time!  Hope to see you there, and be sure to bring a lot of Penton stuff, I'll guarantee it will sell quickly if priced right!


[email protected]

KTM kirk, give me an idea what you have for sale, maybe I can take some stuff off your hands.  Thanks, Jeff Anthony