New POG President elected.

Started by Paul Danik, July 10, 2022, 05:16:44 AM

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Paul Danik

Greetings. At the Penton Owners Group meeting on Thursday evening, in a motion made by Alan Buehner and seconded by The Man himself John Penton, and with all in favor, Rick Bennett was elected President of the Penton Owners Group. We look forward to President Rick's leadership. Thank you, Rick, for your willingness to grab the POG handlebars and guide the Group in its mission of honoring the works of Mr. John Penton.



Congradulations Rick!  Those are some pretty big shoes to jump into, best of luck!
1976 250 MC5 Original Owner
1976 Penton 175 XC
1977 250 GS6

Don Roth

THANK YOU, Rick, to an ironman who knows the bikes inside and out. Indeed, big shoes to fill.

Rick Bennett

Just like starting out on a ride, I am not sure where this will take me. I am looking forward to the adventure and trying to figure a way to bring you all along. If you are reading this you already own, or would like to own a Penton Sportcycle, or maybe rode one back in the good old days. Good old days? When were the good old days? Well, I think they are still happening now. My Penton Sportcycles are as good today as when they were being sold the first time. With a little care you can still compete in vintage events at the top level, or just take a ride to the coffee shop. They trail ride better than most machines of other brands, as John designed them to. My point is that there are still good times to be had even today. Since I rediscovered riding back in 2013, and made it a point to acquire the same rides I had in the 70s and my Pentons have become a favorite. There isn't anywhere I can't go on my Penton, or event it won't do well in. As president of YOUR club, the best thing I can do is lead by example. See you all at Mid Ohio and then early in August, I am off to ride my seventh Vintage 1000, on a Penton.

Rick Bennett
Thompson, Ohio