POG newsletter #97

Started by ALB, November 25, 2022, 03:59:25 PM

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The latest POG newsletter #97 was mailed out to all POG members on November 1st and it is a good one.   :p

In this issue are:
James Lubniewski is featured in the member profile.
Part 1 of Ted Guthrie's series of motorcycle restoration articles
The centerfold is Doug Wilford's 1973 ISDT bike
An article about the Jim Hollerich auction
The first article on our series on the 1973 ISDT event about Al Eames

If you have not received a copy of this newsletter then one of two things is going on.
#1 you are not a POG member.
#2 your POG membership has expired and you are not a current member.
Print out a copy of the POG member application form and mail it in with your dues to receive a copy of this newsletter.
Alan Buehner