Changes to this Message Board

Started by Rob Hugo, June 11, 2023, 02:05:19 PM

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Rob Hugo

There was new software upgrade this morning and because it contained security patches, I needed to install immediately. Unfortunately, the workflow for photo uploading has changed again. The good news is that it is even easier now. Please see the updated instructions if you have any trouble.

Additionally, I have added "Likes" on this message board. You should now see a "thumbs up" icon at the bottom of each post. Even if you don't reply, consider hitting that "thumbs up" to let people know you appreciate them posting.

If you run into any problems, feel free to shoot me a personal message or email (links to the left, see "speech bubble" or "envelope" icons). Thanks!

Rob Hugo
Tumwater, WA

73 Jackpiner
74 Jackpiner