POG meeting at The Museum

Started by Paul Danik, March 30, 2024, 07:24:21 AM

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Paul Danik

Two weeks from today, Saturday April 13th, the Penton Owners Group will be gathering at The AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum located in Pickerington, Ohio. The POG festivities will begin at 1 o'clock. The Museum does open at 9, for those who want to check out all of the displays beforehand.
Besides the abbreviated Penton Owners Group monthly business meeting, an insight into what it was like to be involved with the glory days of the Penton Sportcycle will be provided by Penton employees, riders and dealers who will be interviewed by one of the best moto sports interviewers of all time, Larry Maiers.

The ISDT 73' display will be only a few steps away from our meeting area, getting to see the array of machinery that has been assembled in the display would surely be in itself worth the trip. The owners and caretakers of these incredible machines all deserve a tremendous THANK YOU for their efforts, as do all of the folks who have contributed in any way with the display. We will be having a question-and-answer session as we mingle in the display.   
The Museum has many very interesting displays, including The Hall of Fame area that one will surely want to check out as well. The Museum opens at 9 am in case you want to arrive early and check out all of the displays. Info on The Museum can be found on their website. https://americanmotorcyclist.com/hall-of-fame/   

The photo below, of the 1973 Penton mounted United States Trophy Team, was taken by Jerry West in the Penton apple orchard located just steps from John Penton's home.  Left to right are Jack Penton, Dane Leimbach, Billy Uhl, Carl Cranke, Tom Penton and Jeff Penton.


Having the POG meeting at the AMA Hall of Fame Museum is being done for a couple of reasons.
1) showing the POG's support for the museum
2) allowing our POG members to attend a POG meeting on a Saturday and thus allowing for travel time to and from the meeting. The centralized location of the museum will allow members from surrounding states the opportunity to attend.

The POG is a unique and amazing organization that has 14 people associated with the Penton Motorcycle and Hi-Point Products business. Which is why we are doing all we can to support the museum. Those inductees are:
John Penton   Tom Penton   Jack Penton   Leroy Winters   Dave Mungenast  Carl Cranke
Larry Maiers  Billy Uhl    Jeff Fredette Rod Bush   Ed Youngblood   Bob Hannah  and Barry Higgins.

The museum is holding a raffle this year for a 1997 KTM 200 LE Jackpiner. This is a 30th anniversary limited edition bike that has never been ridden. It was donated to the Museum many years ago to be used for fund raising. You can show your support for the museum by purchasing tickets for this bike while you are at the museum or buy tickets on line on the AMA Hall of Fame Museum web site.

I am looking forward to seeing you at our meeting.
Alan Buehner