My Harescrambler

Started by Bill Campbell, June 12, 2024, 10:48:40 PM

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Bill Campbell

I found this quite interesting.....
I am in the process of getting my HS onto vintage registration. Here in Oz this means you can ride the bike for up to 60 days at a reduced rate and also participate in Vintage MC rides. I finally fixed the gearbox problem (not telling you guys what I did wrong!!!)and then in preparation for the paperwork wrote down the frame number and engine number. Then an idea popped into dilapidated grey matter that I should check these against the numbers for the CMF frames and the engine number list. So there I was searching down the list and there was my frame number as the first frame for a 250 in January 1974 54 401 70513. Checking the engine number I found it was the first engine from the second last batch from 1973. 3 54 2499. I thought that was pretty cool.
I then proceeded to check my cousin's 175 that was of the same vintage. Again the frame was on the list as the first 175 frame from the last batch in 1973. 52 312 70349.Unfortunately the engine number was inside the third batch of 175 engines produced in 1974. 4 52 05760. Not sure about the first zero there?? These bikes were possibly in the last batch of KTMs to come to Australia in 1974 until Bert Flood started importing them in late 1976/early 1977.