Penton Films

Started by rcrump1, December 10, 2002, 01:29:31 PM

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I just got my Winter, 2002, Still... Keeping Track and was reading about Matt Weismann. He mentioned several promotional films he and his wife made for Penton that were shot on location at Qualifiers and at several ISDT's. He indicated that some tapes were made for dealers but that he did not know where the reels were. Do any of you Penton insiders know if any of these are still available? Wouldn't it be great to find some of these and get them onto video? I know that many POG'ers and Vinduro members would be interested in purchasing a copy if they were available. Is this possible?
Just wondering.


Paul Danik

Al will be glad to see that someone is reading all of his work!!!  Yes the films are still in existence.  There is one on the 1973 ISDT in Dalton, MASS, and the other contains both the "74" ISDT in Camerino, Italy and the "75" ISDT on the Isle of Man. The films are old and worn, we plan on having them transfered to DVD and or tape by a pro.  It may take some time,  we actually were just discussing this project at the last POG meeting.  In the mean time I would suggest that you contact Paul Stannard at Strictly Hodaka and buy a copy of "Bad Rock 73". This is a movie made at the 1973 Bad Rock ISDT qualifier by Hodaka and Pennzoil.  It leans towards the Hodakas, but lots of Pentons are shown and it is really great!!! If you watch this movie you might find out why my nickname is "hammer".


Mick Milakovic
