cool page alert

Started by gooey, January 24, 2001, 08:42:59 PM

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at least I think so ....

I was snooping around the web,, and came up with a pretty neat page with some ISDT results that go way back

 If any of you "newbies" to this whole Penton thing would like to see the caliber of the bikes, and more importantly, the caliber of the people here helping yu support this part of the hobby,, simply take a trip to this page and click on the years that interest you ...  I did and, quite simply I'm impressed !

paul danik, doug wilford, and all the rest of you guys ... thanx for helping bring Penton to what it was, what it is tday, and what it will remain to be !

 I am new to this sport, having been away from dirt bikes since the mid 70's, and have fooled around with various forms of racing and motor sports, and have known since I stumbled onto this site that I had stumbled onto LOTS of people with not only a vast amount of knowledge, but a true love of the marque.

 I had listed before that I wanted too sell my 'piner, and had found a buyer, but due to some very unfortunate ( and stupid) circumstances,, found it necessary to back out.

 As I have posted before,, it is usually easier for me to spend time than money to make a project come to life, and it gets VERY frustrating ... It is sometimes tooo easy for a project to get the best of me ... and this one is very extreme in that respect

 Very early on, Larry had offered me a similar but nicer and running 'piner and suggested I use mine as a parts bike, and I, in my infinite knowledge, turned down the offer ... and I have, more times than i could count, kicked myself in the butt for doing so ... larry belongs on the list of very knowledgeable people ... and I think we all know that

 I am going to proceed wth my Maico project, simply because it is much closer to a raceable machine, and I think i will try to eventually bring this Piner to life again .. a mountainous challenge to say the least,, but nothing but an anthill compared to what you folks have done to make this breed even WORTH restoring !

 That said, I think a HUGE "hats off" is in order for the whole Penton family, Doug, Paul, and the crew keeping it all going,, larry, all of you ,,, and for those of you, like me that are unfamiliar with what this all means,, simply click on this link and you will soon appreciate what these folks have done, are doing, and apparently will continue to do !

 Thanx again guys, and sorry this was so windy !


Cool site Gooey.  Don't give up on your Penton, they're worth the time and the effort!



Cool site Gooey.  Don't give up on your Penton, they're worth the time and the effort!


Paul Danik


Thankyou for the kind words.  I was and always will be honored to be associated with the Penton family and sportcycle. Thanks also to all of you POG members who have made this group such a success.  
  Paul Danik


Larry Perkins

Thanks Gooey!  I am an emotional person and your kind words and compliments were much appreciated and came to waterey eyes.  To be listed in the same pargraph as the guys that made it all happen like Paul is great.

In the early 70's I raced Yamaha because it was what I could afford.  As I did better and ride and job opportunities came along I got to throw a leg over a Penton.  The wins and reliability that came with that bike were never forgotten and many more followed.  I have owned 30 years of racers from a 1969 125 Yamaha to a 1999 WR 400 Yamaha.  The majority of them were either Pentons or KTM.  Of them all though my 1977 MC5 was in my opinion the greatest bike of alltime.  We are all most fortunate that Husqvarna said no to John and that he had the vision to surround himself with dedicated people like Doug, Paul, Carl, and Dane to name just a few.

We are also blessed that Vintage happened and we get to live and race it again.  The first time I was too busy and too young to relish what was going on.  Now with the hindsight of the years and all the great people new and old I am having the time of my life.  It is also a great thing that Vintage and Penton have come of age so that we can thank John and he can have another day in the sun before his show comes to an end.  That day will be sad for us all but even then the mark he made as a man and a machine will live on.

Thanks again to you and all that share this love for Pentons.

Edited by - Larry Perkins on 01/25/2001  10:31:16 AM

Chris Brown

Neat site. All the big names listed there...

I used to enjoy reading about ISDT, and the teams getting race ready. There's a good article at Ely's POG site on race prepping for ISDT.

The Penton marque has quite a history!



Doug Wilford

You guys are all great, all us old Penton people are in awe, like who would have thought it, then, now, it is you, give yourselves a pat on the back, you are making it all happen.   Thank You! It sure is fun.



Im glad you guys seemed to enjoy the site ... I know I did !Lotta cool info there !  

 And, the rest is simply a "credit where credit is due" thing ..

even though I got off dirt bikes I didnt quit motorcycling ( not until much later) .. I have been involved with british bikes, and the Harley thing at a level most people dont get too see, but now is not the place to go into that ... suffice to say that I have met, chatted with, and partied with some of the biggest names that phase of the sport has to offer

 What I have never understood is the mentality that seems to go with that breed ...

 I find the Penton people to be at least as dedicated to the marque as those guys in many ways,,, but the difference is, If I choose to ride a Maico or Yamaha,or even build an mx sears allstate, I can still be a respected human ... and again,, the level of guys we are dealing with is INCREDIBLE ! A few short years ago I wouldnt have believed this kind of brand dedication existed with such clear headed attitudes !

 I take my hat off once again to you guys, and please,, dont lose your respect for the marque, or respect for what the other guy chooses to ride ... Ive been there and it can be pretty ugly !