Looking for Larry...

Started by adrian_goold, January 22, 2003, 05:42:31 PM

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I have won an auction of his and haven't heard a reply email from him.



Adrian Goold
'73 175 running
'78 250 running soon!
'80 250 project
'81 495 project
'00 250exc running
Adrian Goold #101

Dennis D

Adrian, I also won an item and called Larry the other day to ask about paying him. He said he was way behind on everything and that he would get back to me. I heard that he was down in his back for awhile so he is playing catch up now. Dennis



Greetings from up-under?????Adrian I am working on new side panels for 78 MC5, they will be in fiberglass, grey gellcoat only....
keep my email address that I may stay in contact with further results, Tom...
[email protected]

Thomas Brosius


No worries guys...
Will wait for a reply from Larry.

Keep in touch, you guys are a wealth of info for us down under.

Adrian Goold
'73 175 running
'74 400 complete but in pieces
'78 250 running soon!
'80 250 project
'81 495 project
'00 250exc
Adrian Goold #101