Road Racing Sachs season opener report

Started by Dave H., April 17, 2003, 08:00:21 PM

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Dave H.

It's been a long, grey winter here in the rainy North West. I have waited a looooong time to get back on track, as it were!
 Well, Saturday, April 11, was a very wet day of practice, and after a whole winter
of only bench racing, I was very rusty, but there were a couple of guys on the track that I sprinted with and we all got our pace  up by the end of the day with some huge smiles and lots of B.S. in the paddock. I left my rig and gear at the track (Pacific Raceways, located in the Seattle area) over night, and got a ride home from one of the guys. I  was
going to ride  my street bike back to the track on Sunday, but my son who had been feeling sick on Saturday was eager to go to
the track with me. Good thing, 'cause it was pouring in the morning.
  I got a couple more laps of practice on Sunday morning and was within 3 seconds of my dry track times, so I felt good... I was ON.
 Later, "it" hit the fan.
 First heat, I had a very bad start, and had to put my hand up  so the guys behind me wouldn't run into bike had no power...but it cleared its throat and got going again, and I started to pick guys off lap 3 I had worked to about mid pack and then the engine died altogether on the straightway...I had to
watch the rest of the race from the wall.  It turns out the magneto was drowning in about a cup of water, which was why it quit, and why it lost power at the start. I
dried that out, dooched it with solvent, and
sealed it up. Then I noticed the chain was sagging WAY more than I had set it on Friday, so I decided I better figure out why.
 Digging into it, I made the fix, and with only 10 minutes to grid time for the second heat, I did a final check of everything, and DAMN, it wouldn't roll!!!  I quickly dissassembled the rear wheel, (it WAS an enduro model at one time, so quick dissassembly was designed into it!) and found the rear axle  bearings where toast. The ball seperators of the 6004 bearings in the sprocket carrier had litterally shredded. So, I was done for the day. No points, no hugs and kisses from the umbrella girl, no
champagne shower...
 But that's racing! Next race is a month away, at Spokane Raceway Park.
Dave Hussey, PENTON Pilot number 49, Washington Road Racing Association

my roadracer started out as a  1970 125cc 5A engine in a 1972 CMF frame. The 21 inch front wheel and forks were replaced with a set of 35mm Ceriani road racing forks. Stopping power is from a Bridgestone 350 brake drum laced to an 18 inch WM1 rim.
AVON competition compound tires are used front and back.
Thanks for listening!


john durrill

Dave ,
 could you send me a picture of your bike?
RR is something i always wanted to do but never could come up with the funds to start out.
 I have some pictures of a 125 sachs RR that a guy in Holand did. he added a rotary valve and water cooling. If you like i can send you some pictures of the engine and the bike.
 John Durrill
[email protected]



Sorry it didn't go as well as it could. I remember TVRC motocross about 95 or 96 that was one one of the first 45 min motos. I practiced well. Then got a flat (on the rear of course-always the rear). I had an extra tube so in it went. Then it went flat. Scrambled for a tube-graciously given by a club member. In it went-only to go flat. Again we scrambled this time with Bobby Lucas, Skip, Bob Christiasen and me thrashing to patch the tube-while the gate was held.. The gate dropped just as I fired up. I circled to the gate-gated and passed from last to ahead of mid pack-the adrenaline going and then-yes rear tire goes flat again...Bob Christasen( my riding buddies Dad) comes over about that time and looks at the tire. I said I was kicking ... until I got a flat after about ten laps. He said ..."you were kicking .. WITH a flat-until you pulled off. Why did you stop? It didnt look like the flat was slowing you down.
 I said yes, but I'm too tired from changing tires..LOL  James

I have bike parts in the kitchen cabinets where most people have dishes..
7\\" and 4\\" travel? Hmm-that makes 11\\" Hey! I can live with that.


Hey Dave, when will you be in Spokane???
