ISDTRR Program Book

Started by johnm01880, August 10, 2003, 10:09:28 AM

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O.K., now that I have your attention with the ISDTRR video project, you should know that Bob Hicks and I are also producing a 64-page collectors' item program book. (How's that for a marketing upsell?!)

Color cover and a few color ad inserts -- black and white text pages -- history of the Berkshire trials leading up to ISDT 73, vintage photos, tributes to Leroy Winters and Al Eames, rider names, numbers, machines, ISDT 73 articles and photos, etc. We appreciate POG and PVL's advertising support to help make this happen.

We're planning to print 1,000 copies -- and will give each rider, event volunteer, and other significant participants one copy -- sell more at the ISDTRR event ($5) -- and offer the balance for sale after the event via misc. outlets ($5 + shipping).

A couple of advertisers have requested bulk orders (50 to 75 copies). We expect to be able to sell quantity lots for @ $4 each plus bulk shipping.

We're in the final stages of writing and laying out the program book. We want to start handing off materials to the printer within the next couple of weeks. If POG (or any other special interest group) would like to order bulk lots, please let me know ASAP -- before we run the presses. If we get requests for larger amounts of bulk orders, we might print more than the originally-planned 1,000 copies to accommodate the requests.

If you have any questions, you can reach me directly at [email protected].

John Leone


Doug Wilford

John;  I think Al Buehner has been in touch with Bob about our ad and the amount of bulk programs that POG will be requesting.   Good timing (or selling) :)



Hi Doug,

I'll check with Bob re: bulk order for books. I don't recall hearing anything about that yet.


John;  I think Al Buehner has been in touch with Bob about our ad and the amount of bulk programs that POG will be requesting.   Good timing (or selling) :)



Doug Wilford

I believe these programs are going to end up being a great collectors item and in high demand. Once the printing is done in xxxx amount there will be no more.   Same as the video.