Motor struts

Started by G Ellis, August 20, 2003, 12:08:30 AM

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G Ellis

I have 2 motor struts for 74-75 175 penton. Will trade for four still keeping track.Anyone but number 19.


Mike Lenz

I have no.s 13,15,24 & 25. Interested? These are the alum braces,correct?


G Ellis

No on 74-75 they are round steel, about 10 inches long.


Mike Lenz

About halfway thru 74 they went to the alum struts. If you want copies of those issues anyway, let me know and I will copy them for you.


Doug Wilford

??? We haven't gotten to issues 24 & 25   19 was the last one.


Mike Lenz

Woops! I didnt see the STILL. I was giving him numbers from the old ones.


Mike Lenz

By the way, is it possible to get back issues of the new ones?


G Ellis

Mike:Yes you can get back issues, contact Doug Wilford. Sorry it took so long to reply, I have been working on my GS6.