POG meeting

Started by Paul Danik, August 29, 2003, 09:01:55 PM

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Paul Danik

On Thursday Sept. 4th the POG will be having a meeting at the KTM building in good ole Amherst, Ohio.  The meeting will start  promptly at 7 PM, give or take 5-10 min. The upcoming ISDT reunion ride and several other hot topics will be discussed plus the usual group business.  The "topic of discussion" will be lead by Mr. Ed Youngblood who is going to give an overview of his new website and also give some input as to what the POG can do in the future to promote the Penton Marque.  These meetings are always fun and informative with quite a cast of characters showing up, hope to see you there.



O.K., I got the "fun", "informative" and a "bunch of characters", but the "promote the marque" threw me just a little bit.  So ---- I looked it the word "marque".  Now I know why the meeting is so much fun -- it's the plundering!!!

Pronunciation: 'märk
Function: noun
Etymology: French, mark, brand, from Middle French, from marquer to mark, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German marcOn to mark. Letters of marque is written authority granted to a private person by a government to seize the subjects of a foreign state or their goods; specifically : a license granted to a private person to fit out an armed ship to plunder the enemy.

On a more serious note, I can't make the meeting and I almost hate to jump in and offer any suggestions as you all have been at this a long time and I am coming into this with little or no history of what's been tried.  But I do want to offer my services (free of course)if you think that the Penton name would benefit from a stronger presence on the Internet as I can do some pretty sophisticated websites.  Although, in fact, it sounds like Ed Youngblood may already be planning something new in that direction.

One area that most websites fall down on is search engine placement.  But you guys are doing fantastic as you pretty consistently place third on all of the major search engine lists.

The only other thing I can do is offer to ride any Penton -- that anyone would want to donate to me -- that I would ride any chance I could get.  I would guarantee to flaunt the Penton name at every opportunity!  


Paul Danik

  Thanks for the offer to help with the website. Bill Smith and Karen Turner are in the process of revamping the POG site at this time, some of their improvements are already showing up, such as the expanded photo page.  Bill and Karen, like yourself , are Penton lovers and are doing the upgrades as a favor to the POG. If you want to attend a "special" meeting, the POG has  " Penton Day at the AMA" each Feb.  It is an all day meeting with a host of speakers and topics, we should be announcing the date and agenda shortly. The AMA is located just outside of Columbus, Ohio.
  Again thanks for your offer.



Paul - thanks for the update on the September meeting.  Anyone who hasn't taken the time to check out Ed Youngblood's web site should make time,  This is a gentleman who is very busy, but has given countless hours to helping the Penton Owners Group. Do the people south of the Mason-Dixon Line need a Visa to get into Ohio?  There have been rumors.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh