'74 400 race debut downunder

Started by adrian_goold, August 04, 2003, 02:37:16 AM

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G'day guys,

just thought i'd let you know i debuted my '74 400 at a vintage race meeting down here in Australia a few weeks back.
Actually got two outright first places and an outright second in a combined race of pre75 and pre 78 open class bikes.
The bike was running fine in the morning but leaned out a bit as the day went on. Was running a 195 main. i have since changed that to a 205 main and took it Dirt Track racing just yesterday. I DNF'd the first race as the bike came to a stop while leading the pre75 open class. The plug lead was touching the pipe and melted and shorted out. After rectifying this it made two first places. Jetting on the Main was perfect but it is lean down low.
I am looking for a 2.84 needle jet to suit the earlier 38mm bing. i ordered one previously down here but it was for the later style bing and has an o.d. that is larger and will not fit in the carb. Can anyone help me out?


Adrian Goold #101


As usual, i have this part on stock. should not be too expensive to send it down under....


Mike Lenz

Good job! There are not too many Pentons running down there are there? I race a 74 400 in expert class MX here in the states and just love it. What are you using for a pipe? I run a 190 main here with a mc-5 pipe. They fit fairly easy and really improve the powerband over the 74 pipe. Bing USA also has the ols style needle jets. Nice to here from you over there.



Thanks for the reply Mike!
The pipe is something different, i do not know what is from. have a look at the photo gallery i have on the web at
The bike is very,very peaky!! Good fun though.
The bikes frame has been modified with the original pipe brackets removed. Also there is a round section been welded on to the frame on the RHS to accomodate a brake stay to make the rear brake fully floating. The stay came with the bike. I am not using this. Currently running it with 13" shock in forward position. But have another pair of 14.5" to run vertically and make it look more legal. I get alot of guys asking me what year  model it is down here, and they are surprised when you say it's '74! always get the response "'74?? with lay forward shocks??".
As far as jetting goes i am down at sea level here, i live on the coast, i don't know how different that is with yourself?
I am running what is known as shell 100 race fuel at 40:1 mix.
Anyway enough for now, i have another motocross meeting in two weekends time, so i'll see how the bike goes there and give you a report.

Thanks for your time,

Adrian Goold #101

Mike Lenz

I looked at the pipe. Definetly a one off pipe!



Adrian - just found your website for Aussie KTM nuts.  Great idea!  How about posting more pics?